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NSW disaster assistance extended

Disaster assistance is now available in ten additional local government areas following severe storms and flooding which continues to impact areas of New South Wales. The additional LGAs are Bega Valley, Eurobodalla, Goulburn-Mulwaree, Mid-Western, Oberon, Queanbeyan-Palerang, Richmond Valley, Shoalhaven, Walcha, and Wentworth. Assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements…

David Gillespie

Huge Nats boost for rural health

Federal Nationals Minister for Regional Health, Dr David Gillespie, has announced two significant rural health initiatives. The first, which will take effect from January 1, 2022, will eliminate the HELP debt of doctors and nurse practitioners who work in general practice in a rural, remote, or very remote location for a specified period. For doctors…

Safer travel in Lismore

Pedestrians in Lismore are enjoying safer travel around the Bruxner Highway (Ballina Road) with local Nationals MLC Ben Franklin joining Lismore City Council and local residents to open a new one-kilometre shared pathway. Mr Franklin said the NSW Nationals in the state government are committed to helping councils deliver new infrastructure to promote walking and…

Pat Conaghan

Nats boost suicide prevention support

The NSW Nationals in the federal government are increasing suicide prevention grants to organisations across the country to help reduce Australia’s suicide rate. Organisations in Cowper can now apply for funding through the National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program Grant Opportunity, with $114 million available for national projects that will raise awareness of the…

Another blow to the Cowra community

State Nationals MP for Cootamundra Steph Cooke has expressed deep disappointment at the announcement that K Hub, the replacement for Target in Cowra, will no longer be opening. Ms Cooke said the impact of the closures of Target stores in the region has been significant, and the K Hub announcement is another blow to the…

Golf festival drives into Barooga

A golf festival in Barooga featuring a televised ‘Webex Players Series’ event as well as a Mini Golf Championship and golf simulator activities will hit a hole in one with fans, thanks to the NSW Nationals in the state government’s Regional Events Acceleration Fund. Duty Nationals MLC for Murray, Wes Fang, said the Murray River…