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The Hannam Vale Road to Waitui Road upgrade between the two villages is scheduled for completion late next month. Federal Nationals Member for Lyne, Dr David Gillespie, said the $4.58 million road project, which has received over $3.78 million in Federal and State funding, includes rehabilitation and sealing of three-kilometres of Hannam Vale and Waitui…
The NSW Nationals in the state government have committed to designing and building a bridge to provide pedestrian and cyclist access across the Fish River in O’Connell. Deputy Premier and Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said the decision was a major win for the community after a local campaign for safer access to cross the…
Today marks 10 years since the Bathurst Bullet train service made its first journey, transforming travel to and from Sydney. Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional NSW and Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said it was the NSW Nationals in government who delivered the Bullet, making travel between the Central West and Sydney easier for the…
Local freight operators across the Northern Rivers region are being invited to take part in a freight forum being held in Grafton on Monday week, October 31. Clarence Nationals MP Chris Gulaptis said forums are being held this month across the state to discuss projects and initiatives the NSW Nationals in government are focused on…
NSW residents can now nominate a much-loved ‘unsung hero’ for the 2021-22 Hidden Treasures Honour Roll, which pays public tribute to the vast number of rural women across NSW who have given their time and energy to helping others in their communities. Coordinated by the NSW Rural Women’s Network, nominations are open to girls and…
Tamworth and Peel Valley residents will soon be able to have their say on the New Dungowan Dam and Pipeline Environmental Impact Statement which will go on display by the end of October. Nationals Minister for Lands and Water and Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said this signifies the NSW Government is getting on with…
Real time traffic information is now available to motorists using local roads across 22 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in regional NSW. Nationals Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway welcomed the first expansion to the Live Traffic NSW website, which will see the addition of local road information alongside any impacts on the state-managed…
The NSW Nationals would like to extend their condolences to Mrs Lindie Davey and the family of Party historian Paul Davey AM, who has passed away. Paul, as many members would know, is the father of our Federal Deputy Leader Senator Perin Davey. He was also our esteemed Party historian. Born in England, Paul came…
The NSW Government has launched a “one-stop-shop” concierge service, with a dedicated team to help start or grow hospitality businesses across the state. Nationals Minister for Hospitality and Racing Kevin Anderson said Hospitality Concierge will streamline application processes, and assist businesses and local councils to navigate the liquor licensing, planning and regulatory changes introduced through…
Students across NSW are being provided with critical school-based health and wellbeing support, as part of a $46.8 million NSW Government investment. Nationals Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor said 87 highly trained School Wellbeing Nurses are now providing care and support to students in approximately 300 rural, regional and metropolitan schools across the state.…