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New addition for community hall

Upper Orara Public Hall is now more energy and cost efficient thanks to the arrival of a new solar battery. Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said the 13.5kWh Tesla Powerwall Battery was funded by a $15,900 NSW Government grant through the Community Building Partnership Program. “The Upper Orara Hall Committee works hard to…

Police numbers plunge under Labor

Police shortages across NSW are worsening under the Minns Labor Government with more than a thousand extra officers leaving the job in the past year. In a Budget Estimates hearing today it was revealed the police force is 2279 officers below its authorised strength, which is almost double the gap of 1000 officers recorded in…

Rex too valuable to lose – Michael McCormack

The Federal Government is underwriting tickets on Regional Express Airlines. That means you fly … or you get a refund. Your fare is guaranteed. Rex is working through turbulent financial times. But blue skies are ahead. Hopefully the airline will get its books balanced, find a buyer and continue to be the great carrier it…

Labor must overturn Norco decision

Joint statement from Gurmesh Singh, Richie Williamson, and Michael Kemp Yesterday we saw Bega Cheese Limited record a 4 per cent increase in revenue to over $3.5 billion, yet our local dairy farmers have had a major contract ripped away from them by the Minns Labor Government. Norco was dumped from supplying health facilities on…

Regional jobs at risk in research overhaul

The NSW Nationals are calling on the Minns Labor Government to guarantee it won’t make cuts across regional NSW as part of its review into research stations and emergency response sites. An announcement last week revealed a panel of independent experts will be tasked with ‘developing a renewed strategy’ with an initial report due back…

Renewables stocktake needed

The NSW Nationals have called for a moratorium and stocktake of renewables projects across the state after concerns the only active renewable energy zone is already completely overblown. According to council data, the total generation from the Central-West Orana REZ comes in at just over 12.5 gigawatts (GW), which is at least four times the…

Broadwater Public rebuild breaks new ground

Nationals Member for Clarence, Richie Williamson, expressed his delight at the commencement of the rebuild of Broadwater Public School. The official sod-turning ceremony marks a significant milestone in the recovery and redevelopment efforts for the Broadwater community. “Today was an exciting day for the students, teachers and the entire Broadwater community,” Mr Williamson said. “It’s…

No plan from Labor in National Biosecurity Week

Nationals Leader, David Littleproud, is warning Labor still has no plan for biosecurity in this National Biosecurity Week. Mr Littleproud said National Biosecurity Week is a timely reminder that Labor needs to explain how it will fund, support, and safeguard Australia from dangerous pests and diseases. “Labor seems to have ditched plans for a fresh…