The NSW Nationals is the most democratic grassroots political party in Australia. Each year, party members from across the State gather to discuss and debate policy motions that are put forward by the members themselves. These motions, if carried, go on to influence party policy at a State and Federal level. This model ensures the voice of rural and regional NSW is heard in Parliament.
2024 – Wagga Wagga
Economy and Taxation
Agricultural taxes
That Conference opposes further taxes on agricultural land, such as the Victorian Government’s Windfall Gain Tax, by State and Federal Governments.
Ute tax
That Conference call on The Nationals to oppose the Albanese Labor Government’s carbon tax on SUVs, Utes, and 4WDs through its new vehicle efficiency standards by up to $25,050 by 2029.
That Conference call on the ACCC to enforce the existing limits on EFTPOS fees that are passed on to consumers.
Taxes on pensioners
That Conference call on The Nationals to adopt a policy that all pensioners can work on a casual basis without their pensions being affected, and that the rate of tax they pay on income from said work be the same rate as backpackers – a flat 19%.
Income tax
That Conference calls for the percentage of government revenue derived from income tax in Australia be below the OECD average by 2040.
Alcohol taxes
That Conference call upon State and Federal Governments to remove inequitable and cumbersome taxing regimes on small and micro breweries and distillers.
Payroll tax
That Conference call on the NSW Nationals to support the abolition of paroll tax in regional and rural NSW.
Fuel excise
That Conference calls for the immediate halving of the Excise Duty on fuel and end indexation of the fuel excise.
Foreign Affairs and Trade
That Conference call on the NSW Nationals to:
a) continue to support the full sovereignty of Israel; and,
b) call upon Hamas to immediately release all hostages.
That Conference call upon the Australian Government to immediately:
a) supply more military aid to Ukraine, as they have requested; and,
b) reopen its Embassy in Ukraine as soon as risk assessment permits.
Foreign Ownership and Investment
That Conference calls for a moratorium on the sale or lease of strategic assets and critical infrastructure, including power generation, ports, etc, to foreign investors and that any current leases not be extended.
Health and Aged Care
Community pharmacies
That Conference calls for the immediate implementation of a statewide scope of practice trial in Community Pharmacies, mirroring the one currently taking place in North Queensland, with funding for pharmacists to undertake the required training.
Opioid Treatment Programs
That Conference calls for a comprehensive restructure of the incentives for pharmacies to participate in the Opioid Treatment Program, to encourage participation in the scheme and maintain the scheme’s viability into the future.
Influenza vaccination
That Conference calls for the permanent implementation of a free influenza vaccination program to eliminate any cost barrier to vaccination.
Palliative care
That Conference:
a) condemn the Minns Labor government for removing $250 million from palliative care;
b) call for the reinstatement of the funding; and,
c) initiate a parliamentary inquiry into palliative care in NSW.
Safe Script programs
That, based on existing state Safe Script programs, Conference calls for the establishment of a national Safe Script program to enhance patient safety and reduce misuse, overdose and community harms associated with doctor-shopping across state and territory borders.
That Conference call on The Nationals in government to ensure the most widely used contraceptives are available under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
Women’s health services
That Conference calls for a parliamentary inquiry into obstetrics, gynaecology and midwife services available to women in regional NSW.
3G networks
That Conference support the maintaining of 3G Mobile Communications Networks in remote and regional areas where 4G and 5G are available until the same coverage of 3G is achieved.
Social media companies
That Conference calls for legislative changes so social media companies are deemed to be publishers, and federal and state government can hold them to the same level of scrutiny that applies to traditional media.
Social media age requirements
That Conference calls for the minimum age for social media accounts to be raised to 16.
Immigration and housing
That Conference calls for The Nationals to develop and advocate a clear policy position for a more sustainable and balanced level of immigration, including incentivising a higher share of immigration to regional Australia; and so resolve the contradictory situation of high levels of immigration versus residential housing shortages and unaffordable purchase and rental costs for many Australians.
First Home Guarantee Scheme
That the NSW Nationals call upon the Federal Government to amend the First Home Guarantee Scheme with the following measures:
a) prioritise new builds;
b) incentives for affordable housing; and,
c) phased approach.
Australian Defence Force reservist training
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to review the ADF reservist training regime for part-time volunteer members.
National Security Committee meetings
That Conference calls upon The Nationals in Government to commit to including the heads of ASIO & ASIS in National Security Committee meetings.
Law and Justice
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
That Conference calls upon The Nationals in government to reinstate the definitions of “sex”, “male/man” and “female/woman” — removed by the Gillard Government in 2013 — into the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, and remove the term “gender identity” from the legislation.
DNA Testing
That Conference supports DNA testing of minors who have allegedly committed criminal offences, and that the age of DNA testing for criminal offences be reduced from 18 years to 14.
Diminished Responsibility
That Conference oppose all efforts to raise the age of diminished responsibility from 10 years of age to 14.
Political donations
That Conference calls for political donations from trade unions and public superannuation funds to be made illegal.
Education and Childcare
Childcare places
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to increase funding for more child care places in regional areas and investigate tax concessions to businesses that provide childcare for their employees.
Early childhood education
That Conference affirms its support for early childhood education in regional NSW and calls on the government to:
a) immediately restore funding to Community Connections Solutions Australia and Community Early Learning Australia; and,
b) commit to the current funded and grants programs governed under the NSW Childcare and Economic Opportunity Act 2022, with particular focus on universal access to early childhood education in regional areas.
HECS / HELP loans
That Conference call upon The Nationals in Government to:
a) Introduce a discount for upfront payment of HECS / HELP fees with:
i) 30% discount for:
1) mature age students; 25 years and above;
2) students who reside in regional and remote Australia; and,
3) students whose parents receive Family Tax Benefit Part A or B
ii) 20% discount for all other students
b) Introduce a 20% discount for lump sum payments on outstanding HECS / HELP loans.
HECS / HELP loans
That Conference call on the Federal Government to reform the way the HECS-HELP loan program is structured, whereby indexation occurs after the annual repayment.
Secondary school safety programs
That the NSW Nationals, in government, implement a secondary school program to teach students to recognise healthy relationships, the early warning signs of abusive behaviour, coercive control and manipulative tactics, and to develop the communication skills to call out their peers when identifying abusive behaviours.
Regional University Campus Rejuvenation Fund
That Conference call on the Federal Labor Government to increase investment for regional university campuses and call for the creation of a Regional University Campus Rejuvenation Fund.
Rural allied health
That Conference call on the government to provide suitable accommodation and financial assistance to rural medical, nursing, allied health and veterinary science students to undertake clinical placements away from their primary residence.
Social Issues
Intensive home support
That the NSW Nationals support a trial scheme where at-risk mothers and children are identified by maternity nurses and are offered intensive home support to ensure the child is given the best chance to thrive.
Youth services support
That Conference support the provision of Youth Services Support with 24-hour access for young people.
Needs based funding
That Conference call on the Australian Government to provide funding for people on the basis of their needs, not on the base of their race.
Allied health rebate
That Conference calls for the allied health rebate to be standardised to change the current situation where providers are paid more by the NDIS than they are by the Department of Veterans Affairs to care for veterans.
Primary Industries
Native hardwood timber industry
That both Federal and State Nationals actively support, as an urgent priority, the retention of the renewable native hardwood timber industry in NSW, under management by Forest Corporation NSW, and private native hardwood forests, without further transfer to National Parks, or legislation to restrict the sustainable forest management processes.
That Conference calls on The Nationals to:
a) support a strong, robust and well-resourced biosecurity system to protect Australian primary producers from unwanted pests and diseases;
b) oppose the Albanese Government’s proposed biosecurity protection levy imposed on Australian primary producers; and,
c) repeal the levy in Government and replace it with a broad-based importer container levy.
Department of Primary Industries
That the NSW Nationals, in government, reinstate the Department of Primary Industries as a standalone Department encompassing Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Mining.
Agricultural Workers Visa
That Conference calls upon the Federal Government to reinstate the Agricultural Workers Visa, providing targeted relief for regional towns suffering from workforce shortages.
Fire ants
That Conference call on the NSW Government to apply funding to an aggressive fire ant eradication program to mitigate future risk to the primary production sector and rural and regional communities.
Environment and Planning
Great Koala National Park
That the NSW Nationals strongly oppose the formation of the ‘Great Koala National Park’ in NSW.
Bureau of Meteorology
That The Nationals, in government, initiate an inquiry into the forecasting accuracy of the Bureau of Meteorology.
The Great Artesian Basin
That Conference call on The Nationals to urge the State and Federal Governments to prevent carbon capture and storage projects that propose carbon injection into Australia’s largest freshwater resource, the Great Artesian Basin.
Flood mitigation
That the Conference call out the NSW Labor Government for the lack of and delays in flood mitigation and recovery support that is being provided to regional NSW, in particular the Northern Rivers and Central West.
Bat camps
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to introduce mandatory triggers to implement the process to move bat camps away from populated areas.
Roads and Transport
Railway crossings
That Conference calls for “non-signalled” railway crossings on major roads to have radar technology installed to indicate to road traffic the approach of any train.
Regional Seniors Travel Card
That Conference calls for the reinstatement of the Regional Seniors Travel Card.
Insurance for young drivers
That the NSW Nationals instigate a program of rebates on comprehensive car insurance for young drivers who undertake defensive driver and emergency braking courses.
Urgency Motions
Uranium exploration and mining
That this conference:
1) supports previous calls from various NSW Nationals Conferences for the removal of all impediments to uranium exploration, mining and processing, and using nuclear energy for electricity generation in NSW and Australia.
2) endorses the current Nationals and Liberals position on the development of a nuclear electricity generation industry as a component of the energy supply mix in Australia.
National Indigenous Australian Agency
That this Conference call for a full and detailed comprehensive audit of the running and expenditure associated with the National Indigenous Australian Agency.
Renewable energy projects
That Conference call for a moratorium on all unapproved renewable energy projects on prime agricultural land.
Fire ants
That the NSW Nationals call for:
a) a full audit of all defense bases for fire ants nests
b) a $1,000 bounty on all newly found fire ants nests paid 50:50 between state and federal Departments of Environment.
Family law
That the Family Law Amendment Act’s removal of equal shared parental responsibility be reinstated in the family law act.
In view of the number of teachers leaving the profession and the severe shortage, that each teacher employee be provided with a safe working environment by the Department of Education.
2023 – Tamworth
Disaster Management and Emergency Services
Flood Recovery – Roads
That Conference calls for emergency regional road repairs to include engineering solutions for future floods or natural disasters.
Flood Recovery
That Conference calls for the owner of a flood-damaged property or a person authorised by the owner be present before a flood clean-up is carried out.
Hazard Reduction
The Conference calls on the NSW government to pursue more cool-burn hazard reduction activities prior to the annual bushfire season.
Health and Aged Card
Rural Health Services
That Conference calls for greater investment in rural health services including further measures that promote retention and recruitment of nurses in rural and regional hospitals.
Indexing Benefits
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to ensure proper indexing of Medicare rebates and NDIS allowances into the future.
Dental and Mental Health in Medicare
That Conference supports the inclusion of mental and dental health in Medicare.
Podiatric Surgery
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to establish Medicare funding to cover podiatric surgery performed by podiatric surgeons, which is currently not covered by the MBS.
Hospital Care for the Elderly
That Conference calls for the streamlining of the processes involved in arranging post-acute hospital care for elderly patients.
Childhood Cancer
That Conference calls on NSW and Federal governments to support the elimination of childhood cancer deaths.
Nursing Training
That Conference calls on the NSW government to modify nursing training degrees such that paid practical training is undertaken in a hospital setting for a minimum of two years.
Roads and Transport
Electric Vehicle Road Tax
That Conference calls on the NSW and Federal governments to:
- ensure regional road funding is not decreased; and,
- ensure that all road-going vehicles, regardless of fuel source are taxed equitably based on road use to fund road maintenance.
Fuel Excise
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to maintain the current fuel excise and reintroduce to the fuel tax credit for heavy vehicle operators.
Rail Revitalisation
That Conference supports a revitalisation of the nation’s railways which would include more track duplication, expanding electrification, and consider reopening closed lines, and nation-wide standardised track.
Volumetric Loading
That Conference calls for the harmonisation of policies and regulations across the Federal, State and Territory Governments relating to volumetric loading of livestock on road transport.
Public Transport
That Conference calls on the NSW government to improve public transport across the state and develop segregated bike infrastructure in both city and regional areas.
Economy and Taxation
Tax-free Threshold
That Conference calls for changes to the taxation treatment of single income household units to allow families to apply the tax-free threshold of a non-working spouse against the income of a working spouse.
Superannuation Tax
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to abolish the 15% taxation rate on Superannuation contributions up to the annual contribution cap.
Taxation on the Trucking Industry
That noting the federal budget’s increase to taxation on the trucking industry, Conference opposes any move to increase taxes that disadvantage operators in the that industry.
$5 Note
That Conference urges the Federal Government to direct the Reserve Bank to have King Charles III’s portrait on the $5 note that will be produced during the King’s reign.
Income Protection Insurance
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to introduce standards and timeframes to reduce delays in the payment of income protection insurance.
Rezoning Agricultural Land
That Conference does not support a revaluation tax when rezoning agriculture land but does support the determination of cost to be imposed on the developer through an infrastructure contribution.
Greater Choice for Motorists
That Conference calls for the abolition of the luxury car tax, to improve access to Australian consumers to more choice of European and North American vehicles.
Electoral Matters
Election Canvassing
That Conference calls for the election day and pre-poll vote canvassers not to wear uniforms which are similar to government uniforms.
Law and Justice
The Voice
That Conference opposes the ‘Indigenous Voice to Parliament’.
Social Media and Digital Service Ombudsman
That Conference calls for the formation of a social media and digital services ombudsman helping Australian people, influencers, politicians and businesses have more recourse against censorship and privacy concerns from big tech.
Sound Suppressors
That Conference calls for the removal of sound suppressors from the prohibited status, to better regulate the possession of sound suppressors, including:
- their registration; and,
- recognition of their use as a safe work practice.
Firearms Act
That Conference calls for the repeal of Schedule 1, Section 7, of the Firearms Act 1996 (appearance restrictions).
Police Recruitment
That Conference calls for the implementation of a similar police recruitment and personnel structure to the Western Australia Police to include Police cadets and uniformed Police Auxiliary officers to assist with law enforcement staff shortages.
Primary Industries
Live Exports
That Conference condemn the Federal Government’s position on live export and affirm the NSW Nationals’ support for the live export industry.
Protecting Australian Food and Wine
That Conference calls for the protection of naming rights for Australian-produced food and wine varietals through the ongoing AU-EU-FTA.
Hemp Production
The Conference urges all governments to work on a framework to further support and incubate the industrialisation of hemp production.
Local Land Services
This Conference calls for Local Land Service officers to have responsibility for all agricultural lands within the LGA irrespective of zonings.
Mice Plagues
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to re-establish support for regional communities and farmers in combating future and current mice plagues including bait rebates and double strength zinc phosphides and other suitable products.
Sheep and Cattle Tags
The Conference support a national tag tender for purchase of sheep and cattle tags.
Biosecurity Levy
That Conference calls on the Federal government to activate the Legislated Biosecurity levy on all incoming containers by sea and air to help provide adequate funding to maintain adequate biosecurity in Australia.
That Conference calls on the NSW government to introduce small scale agri-tourism grants to assist the industry with future growth.
Grain Prices and Charges
That Conference supports the grain grower representative organisations in their calls for the ACCC to conduct an inquiry into Australian grain pricing and logistics charges and other issues surrounding transportation, handling and the quality of grain and the services that we supply to our overseas customers.
Biosecurity and Quarantine
That Conference calls on State and Federal Governments to do everything they can to continue, and enhance, funding measures to boost biosecurity and quarantine at all sea and air ports throughout Australia.
Land Acquisition
That Conference calls for a reduction in the targets set by National Parks for land acquisition across NSW, especially in the Western Division.
Rent-to-Buy Scheme
That Conference calls upon the NSW Government to develop and implement a viable rent-to-buy scheme to provide secure shelter for the most in need in our communities.
Colombo Plan
That Conference calls for an expansion/revitalisation of the original Colombo plan (an original concept of The Nationals) to focus on South Pacific neighbours.
Home Schooling Tax Deductions
That Conference supports parents providing home schooling to be able to claim legitimate home-schooling expenses as tax deductions.
Environment and Planning
Invasive Pests and Weeds
That Conference calls for increased funding for Crown lands to combat invasive pests and weeds, with small businesses enabled to tender to carry out the work.
Crown Land
That Conference calls for stranded Crown land parcels within private landholding boundaries, or surplus Crown land adjoining private landholding, to be available to farmers to purchase.
Biodiversity Offset Scheme
That Conference calls upon the NSW Government to immediately abolish the biodiversity offset scheme
Regional Development
That Conference calls upon the NSW government to establish regional based development corporations to identify, rezone, and prepare land for future uses.
Energy and Resources
Underground Power Lines
That Conference calls for any under-construction and proposed high voltage power lines across rural and agricultural land to be underground.
Impact of Renewable Energy Generation
That Conference calls on the NSW and the Federal Governments to examine the environmental impact of the mining and refining of resources for renewable energy generation, of land clearing required for renewable energy generation, and the disposal or recycling of all renewable energy infrastructure.
Renewable Industry Ownership
That Conference calls upon the Federal government to place a cap on ownership of the renewable energy sector by overseas entities.
Virtual Power Plants
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to implement a tax-free element to the income received from recently introduced Virtual Power Plants program for pensioners and those receiving low-income support
Hunter Gas Pipeline
That Conference calls for the approved route of the Hunter gas pipeline to be immediately reviewed to prioritise placement on Crown land wherever possible so that there is a limited impact on prime agricultural land.
Agricultural Impact Statements
That Conference calls for all Agricultural Impact Statements as required by renewable energy developments be undertaken with full and comprehensive field studies at a map scale unit not exceeding 10ha.
Natural Resource Reserve
That Conference calls on the Federal government to establish a strategic national natural resources reserve for sole domestic use.
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Foreign Investment Policy
That Conference calls on the Federal government to maintain a comprehensive and rigorous legislative and regulatory framework for foreign investment in Australian assets, including strategic assets such as mining, agriculture and critical minerals.
Free Trade
That conference support the negotiations of an F.T.A between UAE and AU committed to by the previous Coalition Government, provided it is on favourable terms to Australian producers.
2022 – Port Macquarie
Law and Justice
Police Resources
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to review the allocation methodology of its policing resources to ensure equity between metropolitan and rural and regional Local Government Areas.
Police Stations
That Conference calls on the NSW government to introduce a policy to trial police stations focusing on domestic, sexual & psychological abuse.
Native Title
That Conference calls on the government to amendment to both the Native Title Act and the supporting Regulations with the effect that all Native Title Claims must be determined or at least have a date set for a final hearing within 10 years of the lodgement of the initial application or are otherwise dismissed.
Regional Development and Regional Government
Local Government Act
That Conference calls on the NSW government to revise and update the Local Government Act for the 21st century to remove much of the red and green tape and put the power back into the hands of the elected Councillors.
Rural Industrial Hub Program
That Conference calls on the Government to introduce a Rural Industrial Hub Program to make available more industrial land in smaller rural villages and creating an integrated commercial stimulus to provide a variety of services and employment opportunities in these villages.
Regional Skills Shortages
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to move to address regional skills shortages by allowing people applying for State-sponsored visas to not be restricted to a single region.
Offshore and Onshore Drilling
That the NSW Nationals call on the Federal and State governments to urgently increase domestic oil and fuel supply, production and security through:
- Off-shore and on-shore drilling production and exploration increases through either direct or indirect stimulus to industry, and the stream-lining of required environmental approvals;
- Work with private industry to reopen domestic refineries and increase domestic supply;
- Increase national strategic fuel reserves to the minimum of 90 days supply, and that fuel reserves are used to minimise supply chain shocks to prices;
- Develop a sovereign shipping capacity to prevent against supply chain vulnerabilities from the reliance on international shipping providers.
The Hunter New England Health District
That this Conference calls on the NSW Government to:
- split the Hunter New England Health District into two separate health districts; and
- remove the Tenterfield Local Government Area from the New England Local Health District and place it into the Northern Rivers Local Health District.
GP Clinics
That Conference calls on the NSW government to reform and expand GP clinics in regional NSW hospitals with permanent, salaried, local employed GPs.
Access to incontinence, sanitary and period products
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to ensure that sanitary, period and incontinence products are available in every hospital and multi-purpose service as a matter of course so that patients don’t have to supply their own.
Health Assessment Risk
That Conference calls on the Federal government to establish Medicare funding to cover cardiovascular disease risk assessment by the use of C-T coronary artery calcium scoring for people from the age of 50 years.
HELP Debt Waiver
That Conference calls on Federal government to extend the HELP debt waiver initiative to Registered Nurses working in regional aged care settings.
Aged and Residential Care Homes
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to:
- Ensure that money allocated for Aged and Residential Care homes in a Local Government Area remain in that location and to not be transferrable;
- Immediately address the lack of funding for all aspects of residential aged care, as highlighted in the Royal Commission Report and supported by numerous industry submissions; and
- Convene a Parliamentary Committee to investigate the facts behind the closure of a number of regional aged care facilities.
Vaping Laws
That all nicotine vapes that are not obtained via prescription are taxed at a similar rate as other nicotine containing products.
Gambling Addiction
That Conference calls on the NSW and Federal Governments to acknowledge the impact of gambling addiction on regional, rural and remote communities and urgently provide new funding for specialist gambling support services to be delivered into rural, regional and remote communities. That conference calls for all TV advertising for gambling to be banned.
Disaster Management and Emergency Services
Local Disaster Co-ordination
That Conference calls on the State government to ensure that all local natural disaster emergency responses be empowered to respond locally.
Volunteer Marine Rescue Service
That conference calls on the state government to provide a greater percentage of its share of funding to ensure that the NSW Volunteer Marine Rescue Service be fully funded for:
- The purchase of new, additional or replacement vessels, motor vehicles, fuel trailers, radios, antennas, IT equipment and the maintenance and upgrading of that capital investment so as to provide an emergency readiness service; and
- The provision of a Training Facility for members of the Volunteer Marine Rescue Service to provide that emergency readiness.
Disaster Mitigation Minister
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to to appoint a specific Minister for Natural Disaster Mitigation.
Flood Data
That Conference advocate that adequate rainfall data, real time water flow readings and river height measurements be available for residents and communities in Rivers Catchments and its tributaries prior to and during flood events.
Regional LGA Disaster Mitigation. Planning
That Conference call on the state government to commit supporting Regional LGAs to make plans that mitigate the effects of natural disasters.
Escape Hatches
That Conference calls on the State government to implement changes to the State building codes to include mandatory escape hatches in the roofs of houses (new and existing) within flood zones, and allocate grants for installation in regional and remote areas.
Defence and Foreign Affairs
Freedom in Hong Kong
That Conference support freedom and democracy in Hong Kong and call upon the Federal Government to give greater support to citizens of Hong Kong displaced by political persecution.
National Security
That Conference calls on the Federal Government consider all options to defend Australia and Australians against a hostile incursion.
National Security
That Conference calls on the Federal government to ensure that any applications by foreign entities to purchase any of Australia’s assets be subjected to a national security and sovereign risk assessment as well as regulations already in place.
Economy and Taxation
Cash and Cheques
That Conference calls on Federal government to ensure that cash and cheques continue to be legal tender.
Superannuation Drawdown
That Conference calls on the Federal government to abolish the compulsory drawdown on superannuation accounts post retirement.
Triple Bottom Line Sustainability
That Conference reaffirm their commitment to “triple bottom line sustainability” i.e. sustainability that is environmentally, economically and socially sound and balanced.
Education and Training
Teacher Activism
That Conference call on the NSW government to ensure NSW teachers comply with and enforce all rules and regulations outlined in the Controversial Issues in Schools Policy
Apprentices and TAFE
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to increase the availability of apprenticeship courses available in Regional and Rural TAFE campuses; and that the Federal Government legislate for a minimum of 40% of Federal Funds allocated to the NSW Government for TAFE are distributed to campuses based in regional and rural LGAs.
Teaching of Aboriginal Languages
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to investigate options to expand the teaching of Aboriginal language in schools as part of the curriculum reform process.
Teaching Hours
That Conference calls on the State Government to provide more relief time for teachers to implement reform.
Primary Industries and Environment
Bushfire Mitigation
Motion – That Conference call on the NSW Government to immediately commence a comprehensive assessment of ground fuel levels less than 6 mm in diameter on all public land within three kilometres of the public / private land or major infrastructure interface and categorise these findings into:
- More than 25 tonnes per hectare
- 15 to 25 tonnes per hectare
- 10 to 15 tonnes per hectare
- Less than 10 tonnes per hectare.
The NSW Government to implement proper and appropriate hazard reduction strategies, including but not restricted to prescribed burning, mechanical reduction and strategic short-term grazing, on all public land within three kilometres of the public / private land or major infrastructure interface where the fuel level exceeds 10 tonnes per hectare as identified in the comprehensive assessment.
Biodiversity and conservation Trust
That conference calls for change to:
- the eligibility criteria and payment measures under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) in order to provide appropriate commercial incentives for farmers and graziers to consider and strike a better balance between fostering regional development and environmental outcomes. The system in NSW to calculate biodiversity credits needs to be changed to reflect the true composition and equal count of all plants irrespective of whether they are perennial or annual, native or exotic; and,
- the edibility criteria and payment measures under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust in order to provide appropriate commercial incentives for farmers and graziers to consider and strike a better balance between fostering regional development and environmental outcomes.
Agricultural Inputs
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to work to secure the domestic production and supply of required agriculture inputs through business development grants, research funding and cutting of red tape.
Travelling Stock Routes
That Conference calls on the State Government to ensure funding for the care and maintenance of Travelling Stock Routes.
Plastic Fruit Stickers
That Conference call on the NSW government to legislate to ban the use of plastic fruit stickers.
Grazing Research
That Conference calls on the NSW government to initiate a grazing strategy research program on public land adjoining private agricultural land utilising heavy grazing animals in short duration high intensity grazing methodology in order to determine:
- the efficacy of forest floor fuel reduction on bushfire hazard; and
- the resultant impact on biodiversity.
Off Farm Work
That Conference calls on the Federal and State Governments to take into consideration the capital expenditure on farms for primary producers who have been forced to work off farm due to economic pressures (drought, fire, flood etc.) to keep the farm going who are ineligible for grants due to earnings of 51% or more.
Decentralisation of Department if Agriculture
That Conference call for the Department of Agriculture to be decentralised from Canberra into a regional location.
Party Affairs
Women in the Party and Parliament
That Conference recognise the important role women play in the Parliamentary process and call on the party to continue to explore options to increase female representation within the Party and the Parliament.
Energy and Resources
Petroleum (Onshore) Act
Motion – That Conference calls on the State government to ensure:
- That Part 4A of the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 (NSW) be amended to ensure that if a private landholder refuses to enter into an access agreement over his / her land then the holder of the prospecting title cannot force the matter to arbitration; and
- That s.69c(1)(b) of the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 (NSW) be repealed or amended so that any refusal of a private landholder to enter into an access agreement is final.
Offshore Exploration
That Conference calls on the State Government to rescind the ban on offshore mineral, oil and gas development to ensure affordable and secure energy.
Renewable Subsidies
That Conference call on the Federal Government to remove all Subsidies available to the Alternative (Renewable) Energy Industry (AEI).
Fuel Tanks
That Conference calls on The Nationals in Government to introduce a program to stabilise unused underground fuel tanks in smaller country towns and villages.
Roads and Transport
Rail Safety
That Conference calls on the Federal government legislate to have all trains fitted with large amber flashing lights.
Fuel Excise
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to replace the current fuel excise tax arrangements with a mechanism which distributes this vital road maintenance funding burden across all road users, regardless of the fuel type used.
Public Sector
ABC Editorial Standards
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to ensure the ABC adheres to well established editorial standards and its charter.
ABC in Regional Australia
That Conference, noting the ABC’s commitment to expanding regional jobs, calls upon the Federal government to:
- Increase the size of regional ABC newsrooms; and,
- To investigate the further decentralisation of the ABC Headquarters. Increase local radio output at a station level
Urgency Motions
Nuclear Fusion
That conference calls on the NSW government and the Federal government to commit to and encourage research, development, and commercialization of the nuclear fusion process with a long-term objective of transitioning to nuclear fusion electricity generation.
2021 –
Annual General Conference and AGM not held due to COVID-19
2020 –
Annual General Conference and AGM not held due to COVID-19
2019 – Inverell
Energy and Resources
Petroleum Exploration Licences
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to extinguish Petroleum Exploration Licenses as soon as they expire.
Mover: Boggabri Branch
Energy Policy
That The Nationals, having been elected to form part of a third-term government, develop an energy policy with the following objectives:
i.Increase the supply of energy in the Australian marketplace through development of proven, safe resources and production systems within Australia,
ii.Ensure the reliability and security of the supply of energy within Australia without impacting our export customers,
iii.Lower the cost of energy for all domestic consumers by increasing volume and security of supply, and
iv.Develop and lead the transition to more efficient methods of generation, storage and transmission of energy.
Mover: Gunnedah Branch
Minister for Resources, Mines and Minerals
That Conference call upon the NSW State Government to restore the portfolio of the Minister for Resources, Mines and Minerals with a stand-alone dedicated portfolio.
Mover: Macleay Valley Branch
The Rocky Hill Case
That this Conference call on the NSW Nationals to legislate to protect all industries against “Scope 3 emissions” being used against them.
Mover: Gunnedah Branch
Nuclear Power
That Conference supports the use of nuclear power in Australia.
Mover: Narrabri Branch, Orange Branch
Abolition of the Climate Change Fund
That Conference call on the NSW Government to abolish the Climate Change Fund contributions on all electricity suppliers.
Mover: Tweed SEC
Native Vegetation Laws
That the State Parliamentary Nationals amend the land management (native vegetation) code, the Biodiversity Conservation Act and regulations to prevent and stop all prosecutions for offences under the repealed Native Vegetation Act 2003.
Mover: Moree Branch
South Australian Water Allocation
That Conference encourages the Governments of New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland to strongly resist South Australia’s demands to increase their share of the Murray Darling Basin’s water, and fight for the return, to the three contributing States, of some of the excess given to South Australia.
Mover: Tamworth Branch
Biosecurity Levy
That Conference call on the NSW Government to adopt an annual levy on all NSW residential and commercial properties to contribute financially to the State’s biosecurity.
Mover: Wagga Wagga Branch
Primary Industries
Drought Assistance
That Conference supports unregulated stream horticulture irrigators being given the ability to store 50 per cent more water to combat drought conditions and protect permanent plantings.
Mover: Orange Branch
Drought Assistance
That the State and Federal drought relief measures be made available for drought-affected small businesses, including contractors.
Mover: Wagga Wagga Branch
Regional Investment Corporation
That Conference calls on the Federal Government, through the Regional Investment Corporation Fund, to provide long-term loan facilities, and that the interest rate be no more than 1.5 per cent over the official interest rate.
Mover: Inverell Branch
Fixed Price for Milk
That Conference calls on the NSW Nationals to investigate a minimum fixed farm-gate price for three years as an interim measure to help combat the cost associated by the drought and high electricity prices on the dairy sector.
Mover: Mudgee Branch, Boggabri Branch
Water Harvesting
That Conference call upon the NSW Nationals to investigate the current limits on water harvesting rights on properties for water storage, and to differentiate between coastal and inland requirements.
Mover: Wauchope Branch
That Local Land Services play a main role in primary production animal welfare cases without any regulatory or compliance role.
Mover: Wagga Wagga Branch
That the cost of exclusion boundary fences between National Parks and Forests and private property be subsidised by the NSW Government.
Mover: Forbes Branch
That Conference call on the NSW Government to subsidise exclusion fencing as a means of protecting landholders’ interests from feral pests.
Mover: Griffith Branch
Farm Income Protection
That Conference call on the State and Federal Parliamentary Nationals to establish a fund to adapt the current cropping Farm Income Protection fund model to grazing enterprises.
Mover: Primary Industries Committee
Fodder Industry Code of Conduct
That Conference call upon the NSW Government to work with the fodder industry to develop a code of conduct for the sale and purchase of fodder and hay bales.
Mover: Wagga Wagga Branch
Development of Forestry Industry
That Conference call upon the State Parliamentary Nationals to work with the forestry department and key industry bodies to identify and incentivise all land that could be utilised for the forestry industry
Mover: Wauchope Branch
Electoral Matters
Electorate Sizes
That the State Parliamentary Nationals undertake a review so that the sizes of the largest electorates are reduced and equitable access of constituents to Members of Parliament is provided.
Mover: Tamworth Branch
Specialist Training
That the Royal College of Physicians urgently facilitate specialist training in psychiatry, palliative care, gerontology and general practice to be carried out entirely in regional facilities.
Mover: Bellingen Branch
Q Fever
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to reinstate its subsidising of the cost of Q Fever testing and vaccination.
Mover: Boggabri Branch, Gilgandra Branch
Mental Health
That Conference call for the recommendations of the Primary Health Medicare Review Taskforce regarding the Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative to be implemented.
Mover: Farrer FEC, Murray SEC
Medicare for Regional Counsellors
That Conference call upon the Federal government to make Medicare rebates available for qualified rural and remote counsellors to cover the cost of counselling appointments for mental illness.
Mover: Narrabri Branch
That Conference call upon the NSW Government to begin a trial of regional clinics and support groups in key towns to support sufferers of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Mover: Orange Branch
Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Disease
That the NSW Nationals set the goal of eliminating the gap between metropolitan and rural and regional NSW rates of cancer, diabetes and heart disease within 10 years.
Mover: Griffith Branch
That Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) be declared a national notifiable disease and that the Federal Government raise awareness of, and take measures to prevent Naegleria Fowleri contamination, especially in rural and regional areas.
Mover: Wagga Wagga Branch
That pharmacists be authorised to prescribe short-term antibiotics such as Trimethoprim 300mg for acute, uncomplicated urinary tract infections, based on a treatment protocol.
Mover: Port Macquarie SEC
Economy and Taxation
Payroll Tax Exemptions
That businesses based in Regional Local Government Areas be exempt from payroll tax.
Mover: Gunnedah Branch, Moree Branch, Uralla Branch, Wauchope Branch
Wine Taxation
That the Federal Parliamentary Nationals consult with the peak wine industry body, the Wine Federation of Australia (WFA), and key players within the industry to develop a wine industry tax reform blueprint for the future.
Mover: Wauchope Branch
Disaster Management and Emergency Services
Emergency Vehicles
That, where possible, consideration be given to CAT12 RFS and SES vehicles be delivered via local motor vehicle dealers.
Mover: Bellingen Branch
Law and Justice
Duty of Care of Employees
That Conference calls upon the State Government to amend Section 19 (1) of the Health & Safety Act 2011 (NSW) to include the responsibilities and duty of care of employees in the event of non-compliance with employer safety regulations.
Mover: Cootamundra SEC
Body-Worn Cameras
That the NSW Criminal Procedure Act 1986 be amended to allow accused persons and legal representatives to view footage from NSWPF devices such as body-worn cameras and in-car video rather than providing physical copies as evidence.
Mover: Broken Hill Branch
Regional Development and Local Government
Regional Tourism
That a special fund be established to promote tourism and tourist attractions throughout rural and regional NSW.
Mover: Gunnedah Branch
Caravan Park Fees
That the Long Term Casual Occupation Act 2002 (NSW) be revised so as to set a limit on caravan park fee increases as a means of inhibiting caravan park owners or managers from imposing unreasonable price hikes on temporary tenants.
Mover: Port Macquarie SEC
Regional Development Approval Processes
That the NSW Nationals call for adjustments to environmental approval regulations for regional development projects so that, where the proponent has existing relevant data from monitoring near to or adjacent to the project, that this data should be applicable over the development area to streamline approval processes.
Mover: Farrer FEC, Murray SEC
Regional Development Coordinator General
That Conference call for the implementation of a Coordinator General for State significant regional development projects in NSW.
Mover: Resources and Energy Policy Committee
Regional Immigration
That waiting list reduction incentives be made available for migrants who have lived in regional Australia.
Mover: Gunnedah Branch
EPAC Review
That a review be undertaken into decision-making by the NSW Department of Education’s Employee Performance and Conduct (EPAC) directorate.
Mover: Dubbo Branch
Teacher Gender Imbalance
That Conference calls for the teacher and school leadership gender imbalance in NSW public schools to be addressed, particularly in primary schools.
Mover: Griffith Branch
Review of University Price Structures
That Conference calls on all Federal Parliamentary Nationals to review the price structures for university courses.
Mover: Education Policy Committee
ATAR Review
That the NSW Nationals call on the State Government to review the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Mover: Griffith Branch
Roads and Transport
Timber Collection
That citizens be allowed to access fallen timber from roadsides where it is safe to do so.
Mover: Farrer FEC, Murray SEC
Port of Newcastle
That conference call for the NSW Nationals to ensure:
a)That removal of all obstacles facing the Newcastle Container Terminal Expansion Plans, including the cap on the number of containers and the State Government fee payable on container exports and;
b)The Port’s development of a high intensity container terminal.
Mover: Moree Branch
Second-Hand Vehicles
That Conference call on the NSW Nationals to ensure all vehicles offered for sale require that vendors provide Personal Property Security Registry (PPSR) history prior to sale.
Mover: Griffith Branch
Urgency Motions
Broadening FMD Scheme
That Conference supports broadening the eligibility of the Farm Management Deposit scheme to include companies and other entities with a turnover of up to $10 million and to increase the deposit limit from $800,000 to $2 million.
Funding for Aged Care
That The Nationals support maintaining pre- 30 June 2019 Federal funding for aged care facilities as introduced post March 2019 , and urgently seek a review into the decrease in funding to apply from 1 July 2019.
Prepoll Voting
That prepoll voting for both State, Federal and Local Government elections commence no earlier than the Saturday prior to the election date.
Hunter New England Health
That Conference calls on the State Government to divide Hunter New England Health into two separate health districts being Hunter Health and New England Health.
Aspirational Water Scheme
The NSW Nationals call on the Federal Government to develop an ASPIRATIONAL NATION BUILDING PROJECT to assess the potential of harvesting of water from the Burdekin Dam in Queensland and redirect these waters south by canal, existing waterways and pipelines terminating in the Murray River in NSW. And, that Conference adopt this plan and ask the Federal Government to match the $25 million put on the table by the NSW Government.
Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement
That the Federal & State Governments include Samonella Enteriditis in the Emergency Animal Diseases Response Agreement.
Small and Micro Businesses
That this Conference supports the Government to investigate a program that allows small and micro business owners to put tax-free money into a deposit account in a profitable year, in order to withdraw that money in a year that they take parental leave from the business, and hence the business makes less profit.
This proposed initiative is similar to the way a Farm Management Deposit is used by farming businesses in drought years.
Soil Management
Conference call on the NSW Nationals in Government to develop economically effective soil management practises, to protect regional areas from the impacts of climate change and enabling rural and regional communities and landholders to take advantage of the economic opportunities from improved soil management practices.
2018 – Cowra
Snowy Hydro to remain publicly owned
That, as part of its proposal to purchase 100 per cent of the Snowy Hydro, the Federal Government legislate to ensure Snowy Hydro always remains in public hands.
Mover: Primary Industries Committee
Strategic Fuel Reserve
That Conference calls on the State and Federal Governments to immediately meet Australia’s obligations under the International Energy Agency agreement of 1979, namely holding in strategic reserves a minimum of 90 days of the previous year’s liquid energy consumption.
Mover: Cootamundra SEC
Extension of Clean Energy Finance Corp. funding
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to extend funding for the Clean Energy Finance Corporation for a minimum of two years.
Mover: Farrer FEC
Research into electricity generation
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to fund an investigation into the use of Thorium and wave power for electricity generation in NSW.
Mover: Kingscliff / Tea Gardens Hawks Nest / Mudgee Branches / Whitlam FEC / North Coast Regional Conference / Resources and Energy Policy Committee
HELE Power Station
That Conference urge the NSW Government to build, or facilitate the private sector to build, at least one High Efficiency Low Emissions (HELE) coal- fired power station as soon as possible that would utilise the best and most efficient coal from NSW coalfields.
Mover: Macleay Valley / Orange / Southern Highlands Branches
Alternative Energy Sources
That Conference call on all levels of government to prioritise the transition to modern, efficient technologies for reliable energy generation, storage and transmission.
Mover: Clarence SEC / North Coast Regional Conference
Primary Industries and Environment
Fire management
That Conference calls for it to be easier for landowners to burn off, where their properties adjoin or are in close proximity to National Parks.
Mover: Bulahdelah Branch / North Coast Regional Conference
Bore drilling licences
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to:
a) review the current legislation which determines the distance water can be drilled, with reference to points of potential contamination,
b) adopt the minimum specifications for the construction of water bores in Australia, and
c) expedite the issue of drilling licences.
Mover: Clarence SEC / North Coast Regional Conference
Commercialisation of excess environmental water
That Conference calls on the Government to commercialise environmental water surpluses in years when water excesses are beyond the immediate needs of the environmental flow requirements.
Mover: Farrer FEC
Multi-peril insurance
That Conference call on the Federal and NSW Governments, through the COAG process, to devise incentives to increase the availability and take up of farm income insurance to reduce the pressure on drought assistance.
Mover: Forbes Branch / Central Regional Conference
Snowy Hydro water implications
That Conference call for any reduction in water available for downstream use because of Snowy Hydro 2.0 to come from environmental water allocations.
Mover: Griffith Branch
Southern Irrigation CRC
That Conference call on the Federal Government to establish a Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Irrigated Agriculture to support irrigators in identifying high value crops, new market opportunities and methods to encourage further investment in the regions.
Mover: Griffith Branch
Farming Rights
That Conference calls for the NSW Government to:
a) take urgent action to ensure that the protection of farming rights with no limits on Agricultural use
b) ensure that future control or change in land zoning for primary production be determined at a state level rather than by local governments.
Mover: Macksville Branch / North Coast Regional Conference
Support for live export
That Conference strongly supports the Australian live export trade in the face of renewed calls for its cessation, noting substantial improvements the industry has made to animal welfare outcomes and the important contribution it makes to regional economies both directly and indirectly.
Mover: Monaro SEC
Changes to the Biodiversity Conservation Act
That Conference call on the NSW Government to amend the legislation and regulations on biodiversity so that;
a) the onus of proof lies with the prosecutor and not with the landholder;
b) proceedings can only be commenced within two years of the date that the offence is alleged to have taken place;
c) family trust companies and/or corporate trustee landholding companies are not dealt with as a “corporation” for the purposes of maximum fines for penalties under the Act;
d) landholders are entitled to legal protections such as for the right to silence and protection against self-incrimination as other serious crimes in NSW;
e) farm mapping used for assessing biodiversity be required to be confirmed by the affected landholder prior to release for local community consultation; and
f) that this mapping be based on the use of the land prior to and at 25 August 2017.
Mover: Moree Branch / Primary Industry Policy Committee / Central Regional Conference
Indian trade tariffs
That Conference calls on the Federal Nationals to express their disappointment with the 30 per cent tariffs that India has imposed on chickpeas, lentils, blueberries and other foods. Furthermore, Conference call on the Federal Nationals Leader and relevant Federal Ministers to convey it to their Indian counterparts.
Mover: Narrabri Branch
Biosecurity breach penalties
That the Federal Government increase penalties for breaches of the Biosecurity Act when passengers enter Australia.
Mover: Narrabri Branch
Bat colony control
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to:
a) develop methods for removing roosting colonies of flying foxes in residential and rural residential areas including financial assistance to those people affected;
b) provide a further $3.5 million in bat netting assistance across the state; and
Furthermore, Conference calls on the Federal Government to amend the Environmental Protection, Biodiversity Conservation Act so that the public is not penalised for disturbing or dispersing flying foxes by non-lethal means when they roost in urban areas.
Mover: Narrabri / Orange / Tamworth / Macleay Valley Branches / Primary Industries Policy Committee / Central Regional Conference
Soil agronomy review
That Conference calls for a concerted and coordinated research effort by federal and state governments to address ‘soil health’, particularly in the Murray Darling Basin.
Mover: Orange Branch / Central Regional Conference
Consultation by local governments with regards to ‘E Zones’
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to require local councils to notify all individual landowners of their intention to change or impose Environmental ‘E’ Zones on rural lands to allow proper consultation.
Mover: Orara Valley Branch
Weighting of land planning application submissions
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to impose a weighting on land planning application submissions so that
a) submissions from the local region are given more weighting than those from outside of the region;
b) overseas submissions are disregarded; and
c) identical ‘form’ submissions are disregarded.
Mover: Primary Policy Industry Committee
Dedicated agriculture visa
That Conference call on the Federal Government to introduce a dedicated agriculture visa, which would allow willing and able workers, from all countries, to engage in farm work.
Mover: Southern Highlands Branch / Whitlam FEC
National certification scheme for horticultural labour hire
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to investigate the introduction of a nationwide market-driven scheme for the certification of businesses offering labour hire services in the horticultural industry.
Mover: Southern Highlands Branch / Whitlam FEC
Future of forestry
That Conference request the NSW Government, before the close of parliamentary business in 2018, to:
a) renew the Regional Forestry Agreements with the Federal Government;
b) renew and ensure the proper allocation of available timber resources beyond the termination date of existing wood allocation agreements including equitable treatment of smaller companies;
c) ensure the retention and expansion of available jobs as outlined in the Forestry Roadmap; and
d) recognise forestry as renewable and sustainable agricultural enterprises.
Mover: Wauchope / Macleay Valley Branches / Primary Industries Policy Committee / North Coast Regional Conference
Review into referral procedures
That Conference calls for the Medicare Review Taskforce, as a matter of urgency, to review the number of allied health professional services to which a GP can refer patients with a chronic illness to, including under the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Medicare initiative with the view to increase the number from the current five sessions across all disciplines to five per discipline per year.
Mover: Health Committee
Autopsies to be conducted regionally
That Conference calls for autopsies to be conducted at regional hospitals.
Mover: Health Committee
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to:
a) extend the Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) to cover highly specialised dental procedures, which are often only available in Sydney or other major cities, and
b) urgently review the more than 100km eligibility criteria and consider the application of a sliding scale distance eligibility.
Mover: Narrabri Branch / Central Regional Conference
Schedule 8 drug prescriptions
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to make changes with regards to Schedule 8 drugs of addiction so that they are recorded on a Real Time Monitoring System available at pharmacies, hospitals and medical centres.
Mover: Orange Branch / Central Regional Conference
Palliative care
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to increase funding for palliative care so that all people in regional NSW have access to high quality palliative care.
Mover: Orange Branch / Central Regional Conference
Schizophrenia Treatment
That Conference calls for psychotherapy to be used to complement (or if appropriate as an alternative to) strong antipsychotics when treating individuals who experience schizophrenia.
Mover: Parkes Branch
Funding for Lymphoedema services
That Conference support increasing the funding for public lymphoedema services in local health districts across NSW, to ensure timely and equitable access to evidence-based lymphoedema care, regardless of where people live.
Mover: Port Macquarie Branch
Shortage of respite care for dementia patients
That Conference call on the Federal Government to immediately address the shortage of respite services for dementia sufferers who are being cared for at home by a carer.
Mover: Riverina FEC
Funding for continuous glucose monitors
That Conference supports the funding of continuous Glucose Monitors for Type 1 Diabetics over the age of 21.
Mover: Women’s Council
Telephone psychology rebates
That Conference congratulates the Federal Government for allowing seven out of 10 psychology sessions to be rebatable via telehealth and calls upon the Federal Government to allow Australians living in remote and very remote Australia (modified Monash Model 4-7 locations) to receive rebates for all 10 sessions.
Mover: Women’s Council
Economy and Taxation
Reducing licensing costs for small volunteer-run clubs
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to reduce the cost of licensing for small clubs having an annual turnover of less than $150,000 and run by volunteers.
Mover: Grenfell Branch
Incentives for employing seniors
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to develop a Seniors Employment Scheme that encourages companies to employ more seniors over the retirement age by offering incentives such as not requiring companies to deduct tax or superannuation from post-retirement age employees.
Mover: Lithgow Branch
Payroll Tax threshold
That Conference congratulates the NSW Government for raising the payroll tax threshold and develop a staged approach to abolish payroll tax entirely.
Mover: Orange Branch
Disaster and Emergency Management
Upgrade of 000 emergency response
That Conference calls for the 000 emergency response system to be upgraded and improved, so that responding services do not get lost when attending emergency calls.
Mover: Riverina FEC
Law and Justice
Obligations of government landholders with regard to fencing
That Conference call for government landholders to have joint obligations and responsibilities to neighbouring landholders in the maintenance, or replacement, of common fencing.
Mover: Griffith Branch / Farrer FEC
Native Title claim streamlining
That Conference call on the NSW State and Federal Governments to accelerate the process of Native Title claim determinations by re-prioritising Native Title claim applications, dealing first with those cases where Native Title is likely to be extinguished on the basis of legal precedent.
Mover: Northern Tablelands SEC
Restructure of Family & Federal Circuit Courts
That Conference congratulates the Federal Government for acting to restructure the family law system by merging the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia. And now calls on the Government to provide additional funding for Legal Aid services to family law cases.
Mover: Wagga Wagga SEC
Freezing assets of international human rights violators
That Conference call upon the Federal Government to adopt the Global Magnitsky Act so that assets held in Australia by individuals who are listed as having committed gross human rights abuses are frozen or seized.
Mover: Women’s Council
Legal Aid appeals procedure
That Conference, in relation to Legal Aid, support:
a) the creation of an appeals procedure modelled on Victorian Legal Aid; and
b) call on the Federal Government to investigate a uniform national approach to reduce loopholes and inconsistencies.
Mover: Women’s Council
Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups
That Conference support local schools and Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups (AECGs) in their efforts to teach Aboriginal education content by calling on the NSW Government to establish:
a) a team of Aboriginal Education curriculum content writers who can support AECGs by developing material on local topics, and
b) Aboriginal Education Centres similar to Environmental Education Centres.
Mover: Education Policy Committee
Local School Councils
That this Conference calls upon the NSW Government to:
a) provide support to communities who wish to establish a school council; and
b) ensure that in the event of a formal dispute between staff, parents and/or the community that all parties are represented equally in the dispute resolution.
Mover: Gilgandra Branch / Education Policy Committee
Social Issues
Australia Day
That Conference calls for the retention of Australia Day on January 26.
Mover: Mudgee / Southern Highlands Branches / Central Regional Conference
Funding of family refuges
That Conference call on the NSW and Federal Governments to increase funding for family refuges in regional communities for families affected by domestic violence.
Mover: Whitlam FEC
Road and Transport
Licence requirements for visa holders
That Conference calls for all sponsored visa holders who wish to drive, obtain an appropriate state drivers’ licence within two months of arriving in Australia.
Mover: Dubbo Branch
Inland Rail community engagement
With regard to the Inland Rail project, that Conference congratulates the Federal Nationals and Liberals in Government for the commencement of construction and furthermore calls for:
a) professional standards of engagement for all stakeholders, landholders and the community;
b) adequate compensation for disruptions to affected landholders;
c) the NSW and Federal Governments to work together to ensure that agribusiness logistical requirements are met with a view to maximising the outcomes of the project.
Mover: Gilgandra / Parkes / Dubbo Branches / Cootamundra SEC / Farrer FEC / Central Regional Conference
Opal cards for regional public transport
That Conference calls for an investigation into the feasibility of expanding the Opal Card network into existing networks in regional NSW.
Mover: NSW Young Nationals
Building roads and bridges
That Conference commend the NSW and Federal Governments for building bridges and upgrading roads across the state, and urge them to continue their work with projects such as constructing a bridge over the Macquarie River at Long Point Road completing the connection between Orange and Mudgee, and further progressing the Orange Northern Distributor.
Mover: Orange Branch / Central Regional Conference
Crossing the Great Divide
That this Conference calls for the Nationals in Government to continue improvements to the Western Highway and Bells Line of Road, including continued investment in overtaking lanes and road upgrades.
Furthermore, that the Nationals and Liberals commit to, and develop a plan for; an expressway through the Great Dividing Range utilising roadways, tunnel(s) or a combination of the two, to open up the Central West’s economic potential.
Mover: Orange / Bathurst / Parkes / Lithgow Branches / Central Regional Conference
Marine Safety Regulations
That Conference calls on the NSW Government to make changes to Marine Safety Regulations to better reflect the needs of the boating community, and furthermore, that more consultation with stakeholders be undertaken when developing such Regulations.
Mover: Port Macquarie Branch
Urgency Motions
Reporting of child abuse
That the NSW Government introduce expanded mandatory reporting laws requiring religious clergy to report knowledge or suspicions of child abuse form in whole or in part on the basis of information disclosed in any circumstances including in a religious confession.
Mover: Hon Adrian Piccoli
Flattening of personal income tax rates
That this Conference calls upon the National Party to investigate the immediate flattening of personal income tax rates.
Mover: Richard Tanner
Review of drought classification
That this Conference strongly support the NSW Government’s additional measures this week and furthermore calls on the NSW and Federal Governments to continually review assistance to farmers, farming families and regional and rural communities during the current and future droughts and to review the process used to determine when a specific area is classified as in drought.
Mover: Ian Coxhead
Addressing NSW Skills Shortages
Conference calls on the NSW Government to:
a) restructure the VET in Schools Programme to include a pathway that partners with business and industry in order to address the state-wide critical skills shortage; and
b) ensure the New South Wales Education Authority (NESA) current curriculum review is designed to investigate and address what changes may be required which would assist in solving the critical skills shortage across New South Wales.
Mover: Kay Hull
Business managers for public high schools
That this Conference call on the NSW Department of Education to approve a business manager for each NSW public high school, primary school and central school. This position should be a part of the school staffing entitlement. Small schools would receive a pro rata entitlement.
Mover: Jocellin Jansson
2017 – Broken Hill
Disaster and Emergency Management
Bushfire hazard reduction
That Conference call for enforceable annual (and, where necessary, seasonal) actions to reduce bushfire hazards in each district in a coordinated effort.
Moved by Macleay Valley Branch
Amended, Carried
Eligibility for Flood Repair Grants
That Conference call on the state and federal governments to extend flood repair grants to all LGAs and farming families on a case-by-case basis, regardless of which local government area they reside in.
Southern Regional Conference (Cootamundra SEC)
Amended, Carried
Natural disaster relief funding arrangements for local governments
That NSW local governments be empowered to use their own day labour during normal working hours when completing 2016 Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) restoration works (as was the case with Queensland local governments) and that the Roads and Maritime Services 2012 Natural Disaster Guidelines be updated.
Gilgandra Branch
Economy and Taxation
Onshore fuel refinement
That Conference call on the Federal Government to reinstate the refinement of fuels on-shore in Australia.
Dubbo EC
Payroll incentives to employ new staff
That the NSW Nationals promote accelerated regional jobs growth by developing a pilot program giving employers a choice of paying payroll tax or diverting those taxes to directly paying the wages and costs of new staff.
Northern Regional Conference (Macleay Valley Branch)
Support for a Royal Commission into banking
That Conference supports the move to have a royal commission into white collar crime that encompasses:
a) The banking system in Australia
b) The tie between industry super funds and the union movement
c) Ponzi schemes
d) Phoenixing
Women’s Council
Amended, Carried
Careers advice
That Conference call on the NSW Government to introduce an independent model of school based careers advice and further promote school based traineeships and vocational training.
Young Nationals
Provision of mobile internet for students
That Conference calls on the State and Federal Governments to jointly provision mobile internet access for disadvantaged regional and rural students, where it is determined that there is no or limited fixed internet access available for their residence.
Golburn EC
Amended, Carried
Students to register for Tax File Number
That Conference call on the NSW Government to implement a policy that requires all students in Year Nine to register for a Tax File Number.
Young Nationals
Support for needs-based school funding in regional areas
That Conference congratulates the Federal Government on committing to a needs-based school funding model; which will allow principals to have funding certainty, and will ensure a level playing field for current and future rural and regional students.
Metropolitan Branch, Women’s Council
Amended, Carried
Workload of secondary school principals
That Conference call for an urgent review of the workload intensification faced by all teachers, including principals, with a view to increasing the time they have to focus on teaching and learning.
Women’s Council, Education Policy Committee
Amended, Carried
Government and Electoral Matters
Early voting period
That pre-poll voting be limited to the prior Saturday, and five working days prior to local, state and federal elections.
Armidale Branch
Amended, Carried
Frequency of redistributions
That NSW and Commonwealth electoral laws be amended so as to reduce the frequency of redistributions.
Narrabri Branch
Length of Commonwealth parliamentary terms
That Conference support the adoption of four-year terms for the House of Representatives, and eight years for the Senate.
Armidale Branch
Amended, Carried
State political donation laws
That NSW election funding and disclosures laws be simplified.
Northern Regional Conference (Kingscliff Branch)
Truth in advertising
That ‘truth in political advertising’ laws be implemented for federal and state elections.
Northern Regional Conference (Kingscliff Branch)
Compulsory nutrition plans for mental health plans
That Conference call for the inclusion of nutrition plans within all mental health plans.
Henty Branch
Amended, Carried
Drug education program
That the NSW Government launch a new drug awareness campaign, and a prevention and early intervention model similar to that used successfully in Sweden.
Northern Regional Conference (Kingscliff Branch)
Headspace Centres
That Conference urge the Federal Government to mandate that Primary Health Networks actively involve young people in the decision making process regarding tendering and delivery of new and existing Headspace services.
Young Nationals
Maternity services in rural and regional hospitals
That Conference call for women’s health services to be increased in rural and regional areas.
Young Nationals
Residential mental health and drug services in regional NSW
That the NSW Nationals support increased support services for people with drug dependency and mental health issues in rural and regional NSW, as separate entities.
Women’s Council
Amended, Carried
Review into mental healthcare for older Australians
That the Federal Minister for Aged Care and Health review the management of mental health programs and support services for older Australians, with a particular emphasis on those people in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) and those being supported in the community through community-based Aged Care Programs.
Corowa Branch
Rural and regional training for nurses and allied health
Where no rural clinical schools or University Departments of Rural Health are available, that, as a means of attracting and retaining key health professionals in rural and regional areas, professional supervision and development be provided and enhanced by mobile units visiting country locations and offering training and education in emergency medicine (including procedures using simulation), nursing, palliative care, mental health and drug and alcohol services.
Metropolitan Branch, Henty Branch, Young Nationals
Amended, Carried
Shortage of aged care and disability service workers
That the NSW Nationals call on State and Federal Governments to initiate strategies to address the shortage of trained and qualified staff (and the levels of remuneration that are provided) in the aged care and disabilities services sector.
Gilgandra Branch
Unvaccinated children
That the NSW Nationals strongly supports the Federal Government’s push for the introduction of a national law banning the attendance of unvaccinated children at childcare centres and preschools.
Port Macquarie EC
Law and Justice
Admissibility of evidence in domestic violence cases
That Conference support an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 (NSW) to allow, on application, the admissibility of vulnerable witnesses pre-recorded video in the absence of a jury at a special hearing.
Broken Hill Branch
Amended, Carried
Minimum penalties for repeat offenders
That Conference calls for repeat or recidivist offenders convicted of indictable offences to face minimum penalties where the offender is convicted of serious indictable offences (punishable by more than 7 years) on three or more occasions.
Broken Hill Branch
Amended, Carried
Psychiatric assessment for violent offenders before bail
That the NSW Nationals call for a psychiatric assessment of an offender prior to a bail determinations they have a history of violence, or violent crime.
Southern Highlands Branch
Party Affairs
Community pre-selections
That Conference urges all Electorate Councils to use the community preselection process, particularly where a sitting member is retiring.
Tamworth Branch
Nomenclature of Coalition
That NSW Nationals parliamentarians at State and Federal level replace ‘Coalition’ with ‘Liberal & Nationals’ or ‘Nationals & Liberals’ when in government and opposition, to differentiate the Nationals as a standalone Party.
Corowa Branch
Constitution and Rules
Ability of Central Council to suspend a member
That Rule 7.4.2 be amended by inserting the words “or suspended” or “or suspend” after the word “cancelled” or “cancelled”. So that it reads:
“7.4.2 Where Central Council receives a complaint that a Member’s or Associate Member’s general behaviour, public utterances, or writings, have been such as to bring or attempt to bring discredit or undue embarrassment to the Party, its Parliamentary Members or its officers, Central Council, at its discretion, may call upon that Member or Associate Member to show cause why membership should not be cancelled or suspended. After due consideration, during which the person may be heard in defence, Central Council may cancel or suspend forthwith the membership, or dismiss the complaint or deal with the Member or Associate Member in any other way.”
Constitution and Ethics Committee
Primary Industries and Environment
Building of dams
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to commence building major water storage dams as soon as possible.
Dubbo EC
Murray Darling Basin Plan offsets
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to undertake an evaluation of the long-term environmental merits of retaining (or modifying) the barrages which prevent clean tides refreshing Lakes Alexandrina and Albert.
Deniliquin Branch, Murray SEC, Farrer EC, Southern Regional Conference
Amended, Carried
Excess environmental water
That Conference calls upon the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder to release excess environmental water for sale to productive industry.
Tamworth Branch
Increase in kangaroo cull quotas
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to increase the cull quota of kangaroos, and to take every step possible to re-establish the kangaroo export meat trade.
Dubbo EC
Amended, Carried
Koala conservation
That Conference call on the NSW Government to expedite the development of a whole-of-government Koala Strategy, which would involve the creation of a series of Koala sanctuaries in key areas to facilitate their breeding, health and re-population; and help protect them from their greatest threats – motor vehicles, dogs and wildfire. These sanctuaries would have a tourism component to aid their financial sustainability.
Northern Regional Conference (Macleay Valley Branch)
Murray Valley National Park
That Conference call for the “Murray Valley National Park” to be converted to the “Murray Valley State Forest” so that sustainable and viable forestry can be practiced as it was until 2010.
Southern Regional Conference (Urgency Motion)
Recognition of Snowy Mountains Brumby
That Conference acknowledge the cultural significance of the Snowy Mountains Brumby and call for the NSW Government to do the same, by way of introducing specific legislation.
Southern Regional Conference (Monaro SEC)
Amended, Carried
Reforms to hardwood forestry regulation
That Conference:
a) Call on the State Government to move control of forestry (including private forestry) from the Environment Protection Agency to the Department of Primary Industries;
b) support the implementation of the Natural Resources Commission review of the native hardwood forest industry; and
c) does not support further land being designated a Threatened Ecological Community, until the National Parks and Wildlife Service demonstrate that its National Park Estate is being actively managed, and is making a positive and lasting contribution to threatened species survival.
Northern Regional Conference (Macleay Valley Branch), Macleay Valley Branch
Research levy on plastics industry to promote disintegration
That Conference calls for a research and development levy on the plastics industry, with the aim of developing materials that disintegrate to the benefit of the environment.
Wagga Wagga Branch
Seeds for medicinal cannabis trial
That Conference support the use of seeds grown and developed in Australia for medicinal cannabis trials in Australia.
Northern Regional Conference (Macleay Valley Branch)
Support for Forestry Industry Roadmap
That Conference:
a) Fully supports the action being taken by the NSW Government’s Forestry Industry Roadmap in establishing an Independent Timber Industry and stresses the importance of meeting the Roadmap’s timelines; and
b) Reiterates its support for the North Coast hardwood timber industry and the regional towns that rely upon the local timber mills.
Bulahdelah Branch, Manning Valley Branch
Regional Development
Telecommunications Expert Panel
That Conference call for the establishment of a NSW Telecommunications Expert Panel which is:
a) Specifically focussed on NSW regional/rural and remote areas;
b) Is independent of the NSW Telecommunications Authority; and
c) Would oversee, endorse and recommend timely, effective and efficient practical alternative telecommunication initiatives for these areas.
Southern Regional Conference (Monaro SEC)
Roads and Transport
Passenger trains for North-West NSW
That Conference call on the NSW Government to expedite the delivery of the replacement passenger trains for North West NSW.
Young Nationals
Regulation of Mobility Scooters
That Conference calls on the Federal Government to introduce uniform Australian Design Rules and Standards for mobility scooters, also known as motorised wheelchairs, limiting the weight of these scooters to less than 150kg and restricting them to a maximum speed of 6km/h.
And furthermore, calls on the NSW Government to:
a) Introduce a permit for periods of three years for mobility scooters;
b) Introduce a fee of no more than $50 to be payable at the time of issue each three years, and such fee to be payment for a third- party Green Slip for mobility scooters;
c) Require a person registering a mobility scooter to furnish a doctor’s certificate confirming the applicant has sound mental health and is not affected by any other condition which would impede their ability to safely use the mobility scooter. This certificate should be produced at the time of permit issue.
Inverell Branch
Simplifying regulations on the movement of farm machinery
That Conference calls for:
a) simplified, standardised and cost effective regulation and licensing for the movement of agricultural machinery on (or across) local, regional and national roads; and
b) That the NSW Government change the regulation regarding overhang on augers and conveyors so they are able to be moved on roads without pilots and police escorts.
Parkes Branch, Cowra Branch
Amended, Carried
Social Issues
Businesses’ provision of childcare not to trigger Fringe Benefits Tax
That Conference call on the Federal Parliamentary Party to introduce a policy enabling businesses to set up their own (non-subsidised) child care centres for their employees and exempt the provision of this care from the Fringe Benefit Tax.
Richmond EC
Urgency Motion
That this Conference call on the state and federal governments to jointly fund neurological nurses in collaboration with state health bodies to allow the provision of comprehensive care coordination for patients with neurological diseases in rural and regional NSW.
Bathurst Branch, Inverell Branch
Social Issues (continued)
Laundry facilities and clothing for the homeless
That Conference call on the NSW Government to provide ablution and laundry facilities as well as undergarments for the homeless in regional NSW in locations as recommended by the government agencies and non-government agencies that work with the homeless.
Northern Regional Conference (Clarence SEC)
Principal residence not an asset for Age Pension eligibility
That Conference reiterate its stance that the principal residence should not be counted as an asset when determining eligibility for the Age Pension.
Tweed EC
Review of ABC Charter
That Conference call on the Federal Parliamentary Party to push for a review of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Charter to reflect new media platforms and the need for factual reporting.
Narrabri Branch
2016 – Tweed Heads
Social Issues
That this Conference call for the NSW Government to increase funding for after-care independent living support to NGOs currently providing residential out of home care for young people.
Young Nationals
That this Conference call on the NSW and Federal Governments to increase the response to homelessness, including assistance with employment and temporary lodgings.
Young Nationals
That this Conference call on the State Government to ensure that the next round of capital funding for hospitals focusses on district level hospitals.
Young Nationals
That this Conference call on the State and Federal Governments to investigate the opportunities to increase the role of pharmacists in providing primary health care, particularly in regional and rural areas.
Young Nationals
That The Nationals support the status quo regulation in the pharmacy industry.
Northern Tablelands EC
Amended, Carried
That this Conference supports the establishment of a national GP procedural training programme in anaesthetics, obstetrics and gynaecology, and surgery to replace the current ageing workforce.
Macleay Valley Branch
That this Conference call on the Department of Veteran’s Affairs to:
a. conduct a review into post discharge mental health services and access for former members of the Australian Defence Force;
b. make these findings be publicly listed; and
c. ensure service provision be targeted to reduce the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Young Nationals
That the NSW Nationals support better, more equitable access to palliative care in the home setting for all who need it in rural and regional Australia.
Tamworth Branch
That this Conference call on the NSW Government to improve mental health services by:
a. reviewing the care provided for outgoing hospital patients admitted after attempting suicide;
b. incorporating general cognitive behaviour therapy and mental health risk assessment in GP training;
c. providing regular suicide prevention training for first responders; and
d. establishing school and tertiary-based peer support and gatekeeper training for those likely to deal with high risk individuals.
Young Nationals
Amended, Carried
That the NSW Nationals support a review of IPTAAS, to reduce the current minimum distance criteria.
Women’s Council
That this Conference call for an investigation into the deregulation of the private health insurance industry to encourage the introduction of Health Savings Accounts.
Health Committee
That the NSW Nationals support:a. additional funding for school based traineeships and VET courses for years 10-12; andb. the simplification of the process to undertake 2-3 VET courses as units of the HSC.
Coffs Harbour Branch
That this Conference calls for:a. the reintroduction of TAFE courses, facilities and qualified staff in regional and remote centres; andb. the provision of financial assistance to students in regional areas to travel to their nearest TAFE centre.
Coolah-Cassilis Branch, Forbes Branch
That this Conference call for the NSW Government to introduce studies of Auslan as a language other than English in high schools and as a HSC unit of study.
Young Nationals
That this Conference call on the NSW Government to increase direct funding of regional Conservatoriums of Music with additional funds specifically designated to support the provision of professional workshops, courses and tuition of children from low-income families.
Young Nationals
That this Conference call for a national student concession card.
Forbes Branch
Primary Industries
That this Conference call on the NSW Government to abolish the statutory fee imposed on the sale of NSW-caught seafood.
Forster-Tuncurry Branch
That this Conference call for a two year pilot program to provide knowledge and materials on innovative business models, including national marketing arrangements to help farmers to establish models and manage contract negotiations.
Wagga Wagga EC
That apiarists be given greater access to National Parks, State Forests, Crown Land and Council Land, so as to boost honey production.
Mudgee Branch
That the NSW Nationals:
a. call for a review of the register of foreign government owned agricultural assets;
b. support the application of foreign ownership laws to local entities owned or controlled by foreign government enterprises; and
c. call for a moratorium on the sale of agricultural assets until the outcome of the review is known.
Wagga Wagga EC, Henty Branch, Southern Highlands Branch
Amended, Carried
That Conference call for new, innovative projects that kick start sustainable job creation schemes to be established, utilising forestry reserves and infrastructure within them, and drawing upon local recorded history.
Macleay Valley Branch
That this Conference call for:a. local Councils to be fairly compensated for the loss in rateable land, where land is sold or resumed to become a National Park; andNational Park fencing responsibilities to be consistent with the Dividing Fences Act 1991 (NSW).
Young Nationals, Forbes Branch
That quad bike safety laws and regulations be amended so that:
a. rollover protection is mandatory at point of retail sale;
b. a safety standard for all quad bike models is applied; and
c. a rebate be offered to retrofit quad bike crush protection.
Cowra Branch
Amended, Carried
That the Murray Valley National Park be converted to the Murray Valley State Forest so that forestry can be practised as it was until 2011.
Murray SEC
Economy and Taxation
That the NSW Nationals support legislative reform to allow couples without self-managed funds to have the choice of joint superannuation accounts.
Dubbo EC
Amended, Carried
That this Conference call for the NSW Trustee and Guardian to waive fees and charges on new accounts for children and young persons under the parental responsibility of the Family and Community Services Minister where the balance to be invested is $1,500 or less.
Dubbo EC
That the NSW Nationals support reform to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) so that gift cards and credit notes have the face value honoured while a business is under external administration.
Wagga Wagga Branch
That the NSW Nationals oppose the importation, by private individuals, of motor vehicles that are originally manufactured with right hand drive configuration, are not more than 12 months old, and have travelled less than 500km.
Northern Tablelands EC
That this Conference call for a broad-ranging inquiry into organisations that have charitable status that exempt them from paying tax.
Wagga Wagga EC
Regional Development
That to encourage growth in regional NSW, the State Government waive or reduce payroll tax for businesses based and operating in the country.
Young Nationals, Cowra Branch
Amended, Carried
That this Conference call for appropriate offices of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology be relocated to regional cities within their respective states.
Young Nationals
Amended, Carried
That the NSW Nationals recognises the importance of foreign workers to the agricultural sector, particularly those on 417 and 457 visas, and:
a. support The Nationals Parliamentary team in lobbying the Federal Government to reduce the backpacker tax rate to 15 cents on the dollar; and
b. review the visa application costs.
Calare EC, Young Nationals, Coolah-Cassilis Branch, Farrer EC, Cowra Branch
Amended, Carried
That this Conference call on the Federal Communications Minister to discuss with the new ABC General Manager the reversal of regional radio cutbacks to programming and staff.
Calare EC
That this Conference call for the Murray Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Programme to be proportionate to water recovery.
Farrer EC
Constitution and Rules
That Rule 5.2.1, as it relates to Federal Electorate Council delegates to Central Council, be amended and re-numbered so as to read:
5.2.1 … at every Annual Meeting the Electorate Council shall elect … (a) Chairman who shall be the Council’s delegate to Central Council … (h) for Federal Electorate Councils only, a delegate who shall be the Council’s second delegate to Central Council (i) for Federal Electorate Councils only, at least one of the officers elected as Chairman or the Council’s second delegate to Central Council shall be a woman delegate.
Women’s Council
That rule 7.1.1 be amended by adding the following rule:
7.1.1 The Central Council shall comprise: … (j) The Chairman of the Women’s Council of the NationalParty of Australia – NSW, also known as The NSW Nationals Women’s Council, abbreviated to NWC
Women’s Council
That Rule 4.1.2 be amended by inserting “an eBranch or” after “itself” and before “a Women’s …” and by adding the following words after “Special Purpose Branch: “The conduct of an eBranch shall be subject to Guidelines determined by Central Council”, so that the Rule shall read:
4.1.2 Subject to Central Council approval, a Branch may designate itself an eBranch or a Women’s or other Special Purpose Branch. The conduct of an eBranch shall be subject to Guidelines determined by Central Council.
That Rule 1.5.1 be amended by inserting “including eBranches …” after “Branches” and before “and Electorate Councils” so that the Rule shall read:
1.5.1 All Inaugural Meetings and Annual Meetings of Branches, including eBranches, and Electorate Councils, as well as preselection meetings, shall be physical meetings which meet quorums as per Rules 4.5.5 and 5.1.2.
That Rule 1.5.2 be amended by inserting “eBranches” after “Branch” and before “and Electorate Councils…”, so that the Rule shall read:
1.5.2 Electronic conference meetings of Branches, eBranches and Electorate Councils may be convened at other times with quorums being the same as for physical meetings.
Constitution and Ethics Committee
That Rules 1.3.18, 2.1.2, 2.11.1 and 10.2.2 be amended to read as under:
1.3.18 ASSOCIATE MEMBER. A person who pays less than the annual membership subscription, other than a Pensioner or Self-funded Retiree Member, or Member of the Young National Party of Australia – NSW, aged between 18 and 30.
2.1.2 Associate Members are Members with rights limited to Branch activities, including the right to vote and hold Party office in a Branch, other than that of Branch Chairman or delegate. Associate Members may attend Electorate Council meetings and Party Conferences as observers.
2.11.1 A person, other than a Pensioner/Self-funded Retiree Member, or a Member of the Young National Party of Australia – NSW aged between 18 and 30, who pays less that the annual membership subscription shall be an Associate Member. The minimum subscription for a new Associate Member shall be determined by Central Council as per Rule 10.2.2.
10.2.2 The annual membership subscription and the annual Associate Member subscription shall be determined by Central Council at an Annual Meeting and shall remain in effect until altered at a subsequent Annual Meeting.
And that consequential amendments be made to the Constitution and Rules (changing the words “Limited Member” to “Associate Member”).
Constitution and Ethics Committee
Government and Electoral Matters
That the NSW Nationals support fixed four year terms for the House of Representatives of the Federal Parliament.
Dubbo EC
Amended, Carried
That a NSW Nationals central policy committee look into reforming the NSW and Federal Electoral Acts to require that during redistributions, the Electoral Commission be required to calculate the voter km and expressly deliver a redistribution that gives the lowest possible total voter km across the state, within a margin of 250,000 voter km.
Northern Tablelands EC, Temora Branch, Forbes Branch, Yass Branch Murray SEC, Narrabri Branch, Cowra Branch
Amended, Carried
Disaster and Energency Management
That the NSW Nationals call upon the State Government to roll out a universal fuel card for emergency service vehicles, which would be able to be used at all fuel stations across NSW.
Young Nationals
That this Conference call for a review of bushfire management in fire prone areas, consulting all relevant stakeholders, so that proven, legally enforceable prevention strategies can be implemented.
Macleay Valley Branch
Law and Justice
That planning laws be amended so that:
a. Environmental Zones only apply to privately owned land with the consent of the landowner;
b. any re-zoning of rural land shall preserve current and historical uses and permit the intensification and variation of such uses without regulatory consent; and
c. any restrictions on the uses of private land by the use of DCP’s, overlays or similar instruments has no application without the consent of the landowner.
Richmond EC
That this Conference call for all criminals to be means tested to pay for their incarceration.
Wagga Wagga EC
Amended, Carried
2015 – Lower Hunter
Transport & Infrastructure
That The Nationals commit to the upgrading of passenger rail services in the north and north west of the State.
Narrabri Branch
That, in the next tranche of the NSW Government’s programs to improve regional roads, the NSW Nationals give high priority to upgrading the Oxley Highway from Wauchope to Walcha to b-double standard.
Wauchope Branch
That the NSW and Federal National Party begin to budget and plan for additional livestock, wildlife and human crossings along the federal and state transport corridors (Rail and Highways).
Primary Industries, Resources & Energy Committee
Social Issues
That the NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages regulations surrounding the adoption of children by non-biological parents be streamlined.
Young Nationals
That governessing and childcare for remote families be added to the eligibility criteria used by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection when approving second year working visas.
Education Committee
That the NSW Nationals call upon the NSW Government to evaluate the effectiveness of ADVOs in the prevention of domestic violence.
Women’s Council
That the NSW Government urgently reconsider the decision to place the management of the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program with a Local Health District and the proposal to reallocate the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health to the Agency for Clinical Innovation and the Health Education and Training Institute, both of which are Sydney-based.
Women’s Council
That the NSW Nationals call upon the Federal Government to add the Meningococcal B vaccine to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme so that the vaccine can be included in the NSW childhood immunisation schedule.
Young Nationals
That the NSW Nationals support the legalisation of medical cannabis for use in treating terminal illness.
Young Nationals
That nurse training become more hospital-based, with reduced annual periods of academic learning in universities.
Cessnock Branch
That all existing TAFE Colleges in rural and regional NSW be retained and that sufficient funding be provided so as to keep these Colleges operational.
Glen Innes Branch
That the NSW Government extend the types of technology, such as the video links used by Aurora College, in delivering TAFE courses to regional and rural students.
Young Nationals
That Conference commend the NSW Liberal & Nationals Government for committing to the fifth and sixth years of the Gonski school funding model and call upon the Federal Government to do the same.
Young Nationals
That the NSW Nationals call upon the Department of Education and Communities to pilot a distance education pre-school, using public school facilities and supervised by a carer, so that eligible three and four year old children in remote areas can access the fifteen hours of pre-schooling mandated to them via the Universal Access Guarantee and already available to children in other communities.
Education Committee
Primary Industries
That the NSW Nationals call on the NSW Government to support the welfare of domestic animals by implementing the mandatory quotation of a breeder licence or microchip number when advertising, transferring or selling a companion animal and where the animal is of an appropriate age.
Young Nationals
That the NSW Nationals commend the work of the Commonwealth Government in implementing improvements to federal country of origin labelling laws, and encourage the expedition of these reforms.
Young Nationals
Economy, Taxation & Regional Development
That the NSW Nationals call upon the Federal Government to greatly lift its assistance to research, especially rural and medical research, so as to maintain Australia’s competitiveness as a ‘smart country’.
Narrabri Branch
That the Competition and Consumer Act be amended to include:
a) divestiture powers, and,
b) a stricter Section 50 “substantial lessening of competition” test.
Tamworth Branch
That Australia’s company tax rate be substantially reduced.
Parkes EC
That Conference call upon the NSW Government to vigorously pursue policies designed to relocate additional government departments to regional areas.
Hume EC, Macleay Valley Branch
Electoral Matters
That NSW electoral law be amended so as to insist that the Electoral District Commission shall apply the maximum variation from the quota in determining the boundaries of more sparsely populated electorates.
Narrabri Branch
That electors be required to provide proof of identification before voting in any federal, state or local government election.
Dubbo Branch
That The Nationals press ahead with electoral reform so that candidates for micro-parties lacking significant voter support are not elected to upper houses.
Riverina EC, Macleay Valley Branch, Lithgow Branch
Environment & Planning
That, as part of the forthcoming NSW Government biosecurity legislation reform, the species classified as threatened be reviewed, so as to ascertain whether or not they should remain in that classification.
Macleay Valley Branch
That, as means of eradicating fruit fly:
a) the State and Federal Governments invest in media campaigns aimed at assisting the eradication of the pest;
and b) the reintroduction of fenthion be fast-tracked.
Amended, Carried
Temora Branch, Cumberland Branch
That the Minister for Local Government take steps to ensure that Councils act within state-wide guidelines when processing applications for tree removal in residential areas.
Port Macquarie Branch
That the NSW Nationals support the eradication of feral cats and feral dogs as a matter of urgency.
Southern Highlands Branch
Disaster and Emergency Management
That the NSW Nationals urgently call for updated policies for the handling of fighting bushfires and regular hazard reduction.
That the NSW Nationals call for a review of the SES with the aim of improving the liaison between the SES and local authorities in times of disaster.
Land, Water, Natural Resources & Energy
That 50% of royalties from the CSG industry be returned to the Local Government Area in which they were generated, supplementing normal grants and funding and boosting local infrastructure.
Narrabri Branch, Coraki Branch
That the mothballed Cobbora coal deposit be utilised as a major energy hub.
Coolah-Cassilis Branch
That Conference call for a review of the management of the NSW Forest Estate and the National Parks Estate with a view to:
a) managing the entire estate for the range of common threats and values under a single governance structure and agency;
b) ensuring that the current threats to biodiversity are addressed; and,
c) making all plantation timber and regrowth forests available to the timber industry using appropriate silvicultural and ecological practices to ensure sustainability.
Wauchope Branch
That the Water portfolio be transferred from the federal Environment Ministry to the Agriculture Ministry.
Inverell Branch
That the NSW Nationals support the building of the Byrrill Creek dam in the Tweed Valley to ensure its water security.
Tweed EC
That all water entitlements and allocations conveyancing work be conducted by professional conveyancers; not brokers and real estate agents.
Primary Industries, Resources & Energy Committee
That Conference call for the NSW Government to encourage supermarkets in regional areas to:
a) display a schedule of items that are produced, or substantially processed, in the region in which a store is located; and
b) prominently feature Australian-grown, produced or substantially processed goods, on their web sites and shopping apps.
Macleay Valley Branch, Macksville & District Branch
Constitution & Rules
That Rule 4.6.1 be amended by deleting “31st March” and replacing those words with “31st July”.
Dubbo Branch
That, in any expansion of the mobile phone coverage footprint, the provision of services to rural and remote schools be given a high priority and that the NSW Government contribute to having mobile services extended to such schools.
Education Committee
That the NSW Nationals call for the managers of government businesses and departments in rural areas, such as Post Offices, to be given more authority.
Henty Branch
Law & Justice
That The Nationals call on the Federal Government to ban all online gambling advertising.
Tamworth Branch
That The NSW Nationals initiate an independent review of the Farm Debt Mediation Act, 1994, and amend it so as to accommodate its original intent – to help preserve farmers’ tenure of their land where debt reduction and viability can be demonstrated.
Primary Industries, Resources & Energy Committee
That women undertaking education programs in NSW prisons receive a similar rate of pay as those working in prison industries.
Women’s Council
That Conference calls on the NSW Nationals to support a review of rehabilitation programs of low risk prisoners to reduce reoffending, reduce numbers in prison, and enhance successful rehabilitation.
Southern Highlands Branch
Urgency Motions
The the Nationals oppose the sale of the Kidman and Co. assets to a foreign government state owned enterprise.
That the Coalition Government of NSW should investigate the NSW Electoral Act with a view to allowing the creation of smaller electorates in regional NSW. Size could be as low as half the existing quota, which is 52,000 plus or minus 10%.
That the NSW Nationals, working through the Federal Coalition in Government, require the Federal Arts Minister, Senator George Brandis to:
1. Identify regional and youth arts as key priority areas for funding under the new Nationals Program for Excellence in the Arts; and
2. Ensure there is at least one regional representative on the Committee for the new National Program for Excellence in the Arts.
The NSW Nationals encourage the Federal Government to include the investigation of bank interest charges on bank cards and all loans in their inquiry.