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Have your say on Alstonville intersection upgrades

Community feedback will help shape plans to upgrade the Bruxner Highway intersections with Ballina and Ellis roads at Alstonville. Local Nationals MLC Ben Franklin said the release of the preferred option for the designs brought work on the $5 million election commitment to improve safety at these intersections a step closer. “Transport for NSW carried…

Nimmity Bell rings out

Deputy Nationals leader Bronnie Taylor has praised the commitment and perseverance of her local Nimmitabel community while officially opening the Nimmitabel Bell. The Nimmitabel Lions Club originally proposed the Bell some years ago, with long-time member Howard Charles amongst those leading the charge. Mrs Taylor has praised Mr Charles, who was seriously injured when the…

Watershed moment for better Baaka and Bidgee

Significant progress has been made for communities across the Murray Darling Basin, with a new proposal presented to communities on two of the most significant projects associated with the Murray Darling Basin Plan. Nationals Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said the re-scoped Menindee Lakes and Yanco Creek Offtake projects – two of the major…

David Gillespie

Key rural health scheme extended

A key rural health workforce program that enables nursing and dental students and trainee doctors to train in regional and rural Australia is being extended for another three years by the NSW Nationals in the federal government. Federal Nationals Regional Health Minister, Dr David Gillespie, said the Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training (RHMT) program provides high-quality…

Best teachers join FASTstream to the bush

The first 50 participants in a new elite program for the best graduates and early career teachers have been selected and matched with their new schools for the 2022 school year. Each year the program accepts a small number of outstanding candidates, who begin an intensive mentoring and accelerated leadership pathway, which includes placements at…

Perin Davey

Taskforce to examine regional bank branch closures

A Regional Banking Taskforce has been established to assess the impact of bank branch closures on regional communities. The Taskforce will bring together banks and other key stakeholders to assess how branch closures have impacted local businesses, industries, and communities, while working to identify possible solutions. Nationals Minister for Regionalisation Bridget McKenzie said the taskforce…

Have your say on Queanbeyan station upgrade

The community is being invited to have its say and help shape plans for the major upgrade of the Queanbeyan Train Station. Nationals Member for Monaro John Barilaro said the proposed upgrade includes creating a new kiss and ride zone, improving the amenities, and upgrading accessible paths and ramps to ensure the station meets the…

Major boost for Central West rail

A $30.3 million investment in the Bathurst to Parkes rail line is set deliver a major boost to freight and passenger capacity and lay the foundations to meet growing transport demand to and from the Central West. Deputy Premier and Nationals Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the NSW Nationals in the…