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MPs reflect on bushfire disaster

State and Federal Nationals have spoken about the effect of the bushfire disaster in Parliament this week, as some regions continue to battle blazes while in others the rebuilding and recovery effort continues. Dr David Gillespie, the Federal Member for Lyne on the mid-north coast, spoke about the fires that ripped through his region late…

Project team appointed for Dungowan Dam build

The construction of Dungowan Dam and the upgrade of the pipeline from the dam to Tamworth has taken a positive step forward with the announcement of key staff to deliver the projects. NSW Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson welcomed the appointment of the project team responsible for delivering the project as part of the…

Mobile desalination plants to secure drinking water

The NSW Nationals in Government have given the North-Westerly towns of Brewarrina, Bourke and Walgett $10 million to install mobile desalination plants. Recent water supply testing in many drought affected areas has revealed higher levels of sodium than those specified in the Australian Drinking Water guidelines. Until now, many locals have resorted to using bottled…

Bushfire clean-up contractor announced

The NSW and Australian Governments have announced they will share the costs on a 50:50 basis for the clean-up of residential and commercial properties destroyed by the recent bushfires in NSW. The cost of the state’s clean-up is expected to run into the hundreds of millions of dollars, though a definitive number cannot be settled…

LLS rates waived again this year for state’s farmers

The NSW Nationals in Government will once again waive all Local Land Services (LLS) rates for this year to provide relief for farmers going through devastating bushfires and crippling drought. Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall said during these difficult times, every little bit of support counted and that waiving LLS rates would help reduce the cost…

Pipeline fast-tracked to improve Tamworth water supply

The NSW Nationals in Government’s priority project in Tamworth has recently hit its first milestone with around 8.5km of pipework completed since November between Chaffey Dam and Tamworth. In Tamworth this week, Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey alongside Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said that the project had been fast-tracked as a…

NSW Nationals communique

State and Federal Parliamentary members of the NSW Nationals met with the party’s Central Executive on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 to discuss a co-ordinated intergovernmental response to ensure we continue to support our regional communities dealing with the impacts of drought and the recent bushfires. The effect of the recent bushfires and ongoing drought on…

One-stop shop removes bushfire red tape

Bushfire-affected families and businesses can now access all available assistance being offered by local councils, the State Government and Federal Government, through the NSW Government’s new Bushfire Customer Care program. NSW Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said this one-stop shop service, administered by Service NSW, connects people with a Customer Care specialist, who…