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Global award for Port Macquarie firies

Fire and Rescue NSW in-water rescue teams have been presented with a prestigious international first responders’ award for saving hundreds of people during the 2021 Port Macquarie floods. The Higgins and Langley Memorial Award, presented in the U.S. city of Indianapolis each year, recognises individuals, teams, and first response agencies around the world that demonstrate…

Sarah Mitchell

Labor surrenders on education

Labor has proven it has no plan or vision for education in NSW, offering no new spending and pulling a complete backflip on its response to the NSW Government’s plans for pre-K and early education set out in the 2022/23 Budget. Last week the Opposition called the Government’s pre-K plan fanciful. Now they have shifted to futile,…

Kingscliff local among state’s best

Lachlan Field of Cudgen Headland Surf Life Saving Club has been named as one of the NSW’s 28 top emergency service workers. Nationals Member for Tweed, Geoff Provest, congratulated Lachlan on being recognised as a finalist in the 2022 Rotary Clubs and Districts of NSW Emergency Services Community Awards. “The community of NSW has faced…

Boost for cardiac care in Western NSW

Access to first-class cardiac care and treatment across Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD) has been significantly enhanced with the opening of Dubbo Hospital’s brand new Cardiac Catheter Laboratory. The new Cardiac Cath Lab welcomed its first patients earlier month, and is the final service to come online as part of the $150 million third…

Budget delivering for Dubbo

The NSW Government is setting the stage for the state’s prosperity, delivering a transformational budget that will secure a brighter future for the Dubbo electorate by offering steadfast support for families and businesses. Nationals Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders has welcomed the 2022-23 NSW Budget’s blueprint for reform to create opportunity and help our people…

Budget delivers for Upper Hunter

Major projects will continue to take shape across the Upper Hunter Electorate with funding secured in the NSW Government’s 2022-23 Budget. “It is one thing to promise but another to deliver and that is why I am so proud the Nationals and Liberals in Government have honoured the commitments that were made last year,” Member…