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$4 million road safety upgrade for Bogan Road

A 20-kilometre upgrade of Bogan Road in Parkes Shire will help users get home sooner and safer and improve the freight of stock and grain. Nationals Member for Riverina Michael McCormack said the Nationals in government are delivering $3,186,000 towards a $3,986,000 upgrade of Bogan Road through the Remote Roads Upgrade Program (RRUP). The project…

Regional bridge upgrades to improve safety and efficiency

The Nationals in government are continuing to upgrade bridges on regional roads with new investments totalling $48.3 million in 27 projects under the Bridges Renewal Program. The projects will replace and widen bridges, strengthen existing structures, and upgrade floodways to bridges. Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said with 85 per cent of projects under the…

Expanded health services for Coffs

A re-elected Coalition Government will help expand health services in Coffs Harbour by providing Southern Cross University with funding to complete Stage 2 of its Health Services Precinct. Nationals Minister for Regional Education, Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie, said $27.5 million will be invested to provide a community health clinic with speech and voice labs,…


New projects to improve safety for freight operators

The Nationals in Government are continuing to improve the productivity and safety of heavy vehicle routes, with new investments in 28 projects totalling $56.2 million under the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program. In a boost for our regions, changes to program guidelines meant rural and regional projects could apply for funding to cover up…

Anzac Day

Today is Anzac Day. The day we remember those who fought for their country in the past and those who continue to serve today. The Anzac legend was born on the 25th of April in 1915. In the early hours of that day, Australian, New Zealand, and Allied troops came ashore to fight the Turkish…

New $5 million Veteran Wellbeing Centre for Wagga Wagga

The NSW Nationals in the federal government will provide $5 million for a new Veteran Wellbeing Centre at Wagga Wagga. Federal Nationals Member for Riverina Michael McCormack said the centre would provide additional support for local veterans, Defence personnel and their families. “We have more than 3,000 veterans and their families living in the Riverina…

Clarence Valley community hall upgrades

Community halls in the Clarence Valley will be upgraded with funding under the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants program. Federal Nationals Member of Page Kevin Hogan said $2.4 million in funding will be used to improve the resilience of public halls directly affected by the 2019 Black Summer bushfires. “Community halls in Nymboida, Coaldale, Dundurrabin,…

$20 million Clarence Way upgrade

Federal Nationals Member for Page Kevin Hogan has announced $20 million to upgrade 31km of the Clarence Way between Bonalbo and Urbenville. “The Clarence Way is a critical route connecting the Bonalbo and Urbenville communities however the road is currently in exceptionally poor condition.” Mr Hogan said. “This upgrade will see significant safety improvements including…

$4 million for Hastings Regional Sports Complex

The NSW Nationals in the federal government have committed $4 million towards the development of a brand new sporting field complex for the Port Macquarie Hastings region. The Hastings Regional Sporting Fields plan includes three fields for cricket, football, soccer, rugby, and other activities to service the region’s growing population. The complex will also include…