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Steph Cooke has worn glasses since she was three. Nationals Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke is calling on primary schools across the electorate to take part in the Lions Eye Health Program. This vital initiative provides free eye screenings for students – something that’s very close to Ms Cooke’s heart. “I’ve worn glasses since I…
Clarence Nationals MP Richie Williamson says there are growing concerns the critical Ulmarra to Southgate ferry service is next on the chopping block as the NSW Labor Government continues to cut regional services to fund projects in its political heartland in Sydney. Mr Williamson said shutting down the historic ferry service would have major consequences…
The Minns Labor Government has once again failed regional seniors by refusing to provide an essential first aid device for a volunteer community centre on the Mid North Coast. The Labor Government denied a request for $1,800 to purchase and install an automated external defibrillator (AED) in the Tinonee Memorial School of Arts Hall, despite…
The NSW Nationals are calling on residents and families impacted by crime in regional parts of the state to come forward and share their stories through a new website that’s been launched to highlight the issue. The NSW Government has announced a regional crime pilot program, but the majority of bush communities have been left…
Steph Cooke is the Opposition spokeswoman for water. Her opinion piece appears today in the Daily Telegraph It’s enough to make your blood boil. Or in the case of residents of regional NSW, your water boil. Thirteen regional towns and villages have been placed on boil water notices since December. That’s 13 communities warned that…
Nationals Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell has written to the NSW Government, asking why the Dungog Local Government Area has been left out of a drought grants program. Mr Layzell said the Dungog area was one of the first in the Hunter Region to be identified by the Department of Primary Industries as being…
Nationals Member for Clarence, Richie Williamson, has launched a petition demanding the NSW Labor Government get on with the job of rebuilding Broadwater Public School. The Petition demands the NSW Government withdraw the current unnecessary development application before Richmond Valley Council and issue development consent using the traditional method of a Review of Environmental Factors (REF)…
Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour, Gurmesh Singh, has provided an update on the Coffs Harbour Bypass project. Mr Singh said blasting for the Gately’s Road tunnel has begun, and some minor traffic switches have occurred at the Korora end. Earthworks are continuing with over 1.3 million cubic meters of dirt moved so far. Over the…
Iluka’s Cheryl Dimmock has been named the 2024 Clarence Electorate Local Woman of the Year. Clarence Nationals MP Richie Williamson has made the announcement at a special function at the Iluka Community Hall, on the first day of NSW Women’s Week, and ahead of International Women’s Day on Friday (March 8) Mr Williamson said the…
Federal Nationals Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, said he was terribly disheartened to hear there are currently no plans to continue work on the Inland Rail north of Parkes. Under questioning at Senate Estimates, Australian Rail Track Corporation executives conceded the Government hasn’t provided funding to deliver the Inland Rail north of Parkes and had…