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The NSW Government has finalised its response to the Rural Health Inquiry, reaffirming its commitment to improve health outcomes for all people living in rural, regional and remote NSW. Nationals Minister for Regional Health Bronnie Taylor said the government has drawn a line in the sand, recognising the findings of the Inquiry and taking meaningful…
NSW Nationals Minister for Hospitality and Racing Kevin Anderson has joined key stakeholders in calling for the hospitality sector staffing crisis to be a priority at the Jobs and Skills Summit in Canberra. Mr Anderson said the hospitality sector was one of the hardest hit by the COVID pandemic and as we look to the…
A new 300 megalitre off-stream storage dam at Walcha will provide greater water security and reliability for residents and businesses and to help drought-proof the town’s water supply. Work has started on the $11 million project, a joint initiative between the Australian and NSW Governments. The National Water Grid Fund Connections Pathway is contributing $2…
Local students are set to benefit from improvements to their school facilities thanks to a $148 million investment across the State, earmarked in the 2022/23 NSW Budget. Nationals Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke has announced six projects will receive funding under the Minor Capital Works program to upgrade and improve facilities. “School environments play a…
The New England region should not have its future water security limited by a short-sighted Commonwealth move to pull funding from the Dungowan Dam and pipeline project. Shadow Nationals Minister for Water, Senator Perin Davey, and Shadow Nationals Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, Senator Bridget McKenzie, said it is vital the government retain…
Students in Dubbo are set to benefit from improvements to their school facilities thanks to a $148 million investment across the state, earmarked in the 2022/23 NSW Budget. Nationals Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders has announced Mudgee High School will receive funding under the Minor Capital Works program to improve access and safety at the…
Despite having one of the largest cohorts of returned servicemen in the country, the Mid North Coast has been completely overlooked in the recent allocation of funding for Veteran Wellbeing Services in NSW as announced by the newly elected Federal Labor Government. Federal Nationals Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan said the NSW electorates overlooked in…
The bush will benefit from an expansion of programs to increase the number of junior doctors and nurse practitioners in regional and rural locations. The Rural Resident Medical Cadetship Program will be expanded by offering an additional 32 cadetships across the state, bringing the total number of scholarships on offer to 50. Nationals Minister for…
A specialist Northern Rivers horticulture farm has broken ground marking the commencement of construction of its state-of-the-art glasshouse. In November last year, Provenance Propagation in Wells Crossing, south of Grafton, became the recipient of a $900,000 grant provided through the NSW Nationals in the state government’s Regional Job Creation Fund. Now reaching its most significant…
From this Thursday, September 1, Fire Danger Ratings will become much simpler as NSW adopts the new Australian Fire Danger Rating System. The NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) has played a leading role in the development of the new national system, using the latest science as well as extensive community research to make fire danger…