Sarah Mitchell

It’s time we show them the good parts, too

Education & Early Childhood Minister Sarah Mitchell – a proud daughter of the regions – writes about the importance of teaching children about the country. Sometimes it is too easy for children to forget our farmers. They forget that the produce that ends up on their plates comes from relentless hard work on the land,…

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Focus on rural health for Nationals Ministers

The Federal and NSW Nationals in Government have joined forces at Australia’s first Bilateral Regional Health Forum to decide how their combined investment of more than $2 billion can be maximised to boost rural healthcare. Key Nationals such as Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Riverina Michael McCormack, Minister for Regional Services Mark Coulton and…

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Dairy Code a step in the right direction

NSW Nationals Member for Myall Lakes Stephen Bromhead has welcomed his Federal colleagues’ Mandatory Code Of Conduct into the Dairy Industry, which will help struggling farmers in their fight with the big supermarkets and multinational processors. “This is an important step and one in the right direction to help balance the scales against companies that…

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Nationals delivering new rural medical school

Construction is underway on a new medical school in Orange that will create qualified doctors who understand the specific health needs of regional communities. The Nationals in Government are providing $22 million of funding to Charles Sturt University, which will run the new Joint Program in Medicine in partnership with Western Sydney University. The development…

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Drought and fire assistance

As our communities continue to face challenges with both the drought and fires, we want to ensure everyone is aware of the assistance that is available. Yourself, or a neighbour or friend, could benefit from this information. • Farmers and small businesses that have been hit by the bushfires can now access recovery grants of…

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A year of delivering on election commitments

The NSW Nationals have spent the first 10 months in the new term of Government delivering key election commitments including increasing drought support on and off farm, fast-tracking water infrastructure projects, investing in our regional youth and delivering local infrastructure projects. Since March, the NSW Nationals in Government have passed the Right to Farm Bill,…

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Bringing young doctors to the regions

The NSW Nationals in Government are offering up to 50 scholarships worth $3000 to junior doctors embarking on careers as Rural Generalists in regional, rural and remote NSW. Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said the new scholarships, available on the Coffs Coast, will be awarded to junior doctors who start advanced skills training in…

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Nationals in Government transforming the regions

From Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack: The Nationals in Government are continuing to promote and advance regional Australia at the very heart of the government. Over the past couple of weeks, you would have seen that we have brought forward significant infrastructure investment in every State and Territory. In New South Wales, we have brought…

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Getting the good soil on farming innovation

A consortium of southern farmers will use a $2.5 million Nationals in Government grant to pioneer a new soil modelling system which has the potential to dramatically boost on-farm sustainability and productivity. Federal Nationals Agriculture Minister Bridget McKenzie said Temora-based Farmlink Research Ltd’s soil future-proofing project would receive funding under the second round of the…

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Newell Highway upgrades accelerated with Nats

Federal Nationals Leader and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack says the Riverina and Central West will benefit from a $570 million state-wide infrastructure package. The Nationals in Government have been working to bring forward critical road projects across the State to drive jobs, strengthen the economy and get people home sooner and safer. Mr McCormack,…

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Building disaster resilience in regional NSW

The NSW Nationals in Government will inject more than $2 million into recruiting volunteers and developing their leadership skills to enhance disaster resilience across the State. Funding will be divided between the NSW Community Resilience Innovation Programs (CRIP) which receives $1.4 million and $630,000 for the Emergency Volunteer Support Scheme (EVSS). The State’s west will…

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Funds flow for emergency water infrastructure

More than 30 urgent water infrastructure projects will get underway in drought-stricken communities thanks to $87 million in funding from the NSW Nationals in Government. Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro and Minister for Water Melinda Pavey made the announcement in Dubbo following a historic Community Cabinet held in Bourke. “The entire…

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Local tradies the first pick for school maintenance

NSW Nationals Member for Upper Hunter Michael Johnsen says a new initiative will enable local tradies to get school maintenance jobs in the region. Mr Johnsen said local tradies would be given preference with a new online system allowing businesses to engage directly with the NSW Government on projects in the region. “The online procurement…

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Grants to help rebuild fire-affected communities

Primary producers and small businesses impacted by recent fires in the Northern Tablelands, North Coast and Mid North Coast have received welcome relief with the announcement of $15,000 recovery grants. NSW Nationals Agriculture Minister and Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall welcomed the announcement, saying it was critical to help farmers get back on their…

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