Flood recovery too slow

Federal Nationals Member for Page, Kevin Hogan, has written to the Prime Minister, Premier, Ministers, Local MPs, Mayors, and other organisational heads on the 2nd anniversary of the devastating 2022 floods. Dear Prime Minister, Currently, our region does not have a clear future and the recovery is not going well. There is great confusion, disappointment,…

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Construction of Tamworth’s new Mental Health Unit

Construction of a new Mental Health Unit for Tamworth will begin shortly, with fencing, bunting, and scaffolding now on site at the Tamworth Hospital. Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson has welcomed the arrival of workers who will begin preparing the site for construction. “Building a new mental health unit for Tamworth has been at…

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Tweed Valley Hospital Community Open Day

A community open day for the new Tweed Valley Hospital will be held on Saturday, March 16, ahead of its official opening in May. Nationals Member for Tweed, Geoff Provest, secured record funding of $723 million for the new hospital, which is the largest health infrastructure project ever built outside Sydney. The new Tweed Valley…

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Lifesaving paramedics

Nationals MP for Cootamundra Steph Cooke has met two West Wyalong paramedics to thank them for saving her father Stephen’s life. Stephen suffered a serious heart attack in West Wyalong’ s Ariah Park on January 9. Paramedics Samantha and Lachlan responded to the 000 call from West Wyalong. They stabilised Stephen then transported him to…

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Premier caught flat-footed on Royalties for Rejuvenation

Upper Hunter Nationals MP Dave Layzell has challenged the Premier to ‘come clean’ on the NSW Labor Government’s progress with the Royalties for Rejuvenations Fund. “The Premier’s response on this issue when questioned at Budget Estimates is nothing short of astonishing for the people working in and reliant on the Hunter Valley coal industry,” Mr…

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Crafting a new roof in Tamworth

Roof repairs at the Tamworth Regional Craft Centre are well underway, giving local craftspeople and creatives confidence that their much-loved craft shed will serve them well into the future. Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said the former Government provided a $44,200 grant from the Community building Partnerships fund to fix the roof, with work…

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Paul Toole launches carpark petition

NSW Nationals Member for Bathurst Paul Toole has launched a petition calling on the NSW Government and NSW Health to include additional carparking in the redevelopment of Bathurst Health Service. Mr Toole said as the city of Bathurst grows, it has become increasingly harder to get a car park in or near the Bathurst Health…

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Regional Australians punished by Labor’s car tax

Federal Nationals Member for Riverina Michael McCormack has called out the Albanese Labor Government over its plans to jack up prices of Australia’s most popular cars and utes as part of its proposed New Vehicle Efficiency Standards and push towards electric vehicles. Mr McCormack said despite Australians facing a cost-of-living crisis, Labor has taken it…

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Labor’s disappointing blow for Myall Lakes families

Nationals Member for Myall Lakes, Tanya Thompson, said it’s a disappointing blow for families that the Minns Labor government’s announcement of 49 preschools for the “bush” will deliver just one new preschool for families in the electorate. “Whilst I’m pleased that Taree will be receiving a new preschool, it is disheartening that the broader Myall…

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Mitchell Highway upgrades completed

Work has finished on the overtaking lanes and safety upgrades on the Mitchell Highway between Dubbo and Narromine, as part of a $32 million investment by the former Nationals government. The project was a key commitment by Nationals Leader and Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders ahead of the 2019 election. “It’s fantastic for the people…

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A Walk in the Park for Parkinson’s awareness

Nationals Member for Myall Lakes, Tanya Thompson, is encouraging the community to register for ‘A Walk in the Park’ to raise awareness and funds for Parkinson’s Disease. It’s an annual event taking place on Sunday, April 21, starting at 9am from John Holland Park, Forster. A Walk in the Park brings together thousands of individuals…

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