Muswellbrook Hospital upgrade

Nationals’ Member for Upper Hunter, Dave Layzell, is asking if the Muswellbrook Hospital redevelopment has fallen victim to the region’s strong economy. My Layzell has been told by Health Infrastructure that stage three of the project will be scaled back – reportedly due to inflationary increases to the construction price. “Production from the Muswellbrook coalfields…

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World’s best golfers teeing off at Bonville

Coastal & Golf Resorts Group General Manager Brad Daymond, City of Coffs Harbour General Manager Natalia Cowley and Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh. The Coffs Coast will experience a significant economic and sporting boost with the return of the prestigious Australian Women’s Classic-Bonville for a further three years. Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour…

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Gillespie delivers upgrade for Nabiac Showground

The Nabiac Showground will receive further upgrades thanks to the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program. Federal Nationals Member for Lyne, Dr David Gillespie, said $50,000 in funding would be allocated towards the installation of a new, suspended ceiling to enhance the internal appearance of the hall. “It was great to catch up…

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Labor leaves the bush high and dry

Richie Williamson and Dugald Saunders caught up with local farmer Robbie Sutherland, his grandson George Robert Sutherland, and Emma Rogers at the Grafton Regional Livestock Selling Centre The NSW Nationals are calling on the Labor Government to unveil its drought preparedness plan, after small pockets of the state were declared to be back in drought.…

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Don’t leave coal communities in the dark

Two National Party MPs representing the state’s largest coal mining communities have called on the Minns Government to guarantee no mines will be closed, or jobs lost, as a result of any proposed changes to royalties in NSW. Treasurer Daniel Mookhey said recently that NSW was “entitled to a fair return for their resources.” He…

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“If Labor walks away from the Stronger Country Communities Fund, it’s letting down every regional Community in NSW”

Vital community projects in every local government area across regional NSW are under threat, with the Minns Labor government refusing to rule out scrapping the hugely successful Stronger Country Communities Fund (SCCF). Nationals’ Leader and Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders has urged the Minister for Regional NSW Tara Moriarty to stand up for communities in…

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Nationals call for release of regional road report

The NSW Nationals are calling on the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads to urgently make public a report into the reclassification and transfer of regional roads to state government management. Shadow Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said Minister Aitchison is deliberately delaying the release of the report as well as much-needed…

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Welcome support to remove cane field waste

The NSW Nationals have welcomed additional support for cane growers across the Northern Rivers to remove dangerous debris dumped by last year’s catastrophic floods. The NSW Environmental Protection Authority confirmed farmers in the region will be able to have their waste collected for free once their crops have been harvested. NSW Nationals Leader Dugald Saunders…

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A new era in emergency care

Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour, Gurmesh Singh, said the new Coffs Harbour Ambulance Station, officially opened in Marcia Street today, is a major boost for frontline emergency care in the region. Mr Singh, the Shadow Minister for Tourism, Emergency Services and the North Coast, said the new station, which replaces the station at Coffs Harbour…

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Labor lacking in long-term vision for NSW

NSW Nationals Leader Dugald Saunders has called on Labor to continue The Nats’ investment in agriculture and training for the regions. During an address at the NSW Farmers Conference, Mr Saunders welcomed the government’s announcement of support for the varroa mite response and for funding the next tranche of the transition to electronic identification (eID)…

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Labor walks away from quad bike safety

Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson has called on the NSW Labor Government to use this National Farm Safety Week to reinstate a critical quadbike safety program it scrapped. Mr Anderson said quad bikes, side-by-side vehicles (SSV), and tractors are responsible for 40% of deaths on farms each year. “Farming continues to be one of…

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