New one-stop shop to support hospitality businesses

The NSW Government has launched a “one-stop-shop” concierge service, with a dedicated team to help start or grow hospitality businesses across the state. Nationals Minister for Hospitality and Racing Kevin Anderson said Hospitality Concierge will streamline application processes, and assist businesses and local councils to navigate the liquor licensing, planning and regulatory changes introduced through…

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Wellbeing nurses deliver vital school support

Students across NSW are being provided with critical school-based health and wellbeing support, as part of a $46.8 million NSW Government investment. Nationals Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor said 87 highly trained School Wellbeing Nurses are now providing care and support to students in approximately 300 rural, regional and metropolitan schools across the state.…

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Sarah Mitchell

Landmark childcare reforms become law

Families across NSW will be able to access cheaper, high quality childcare after the legislation underpinning the Government’s landmark women’s economic opportunity reforms passed Parliament. The NSW Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund Act 2022 will drive up to $5 billion of investment in the sector over 10 years to support NSW families with access to…

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Free online toolkit launched to mark World Menopause Day

The NSW Government has launched a free online Toolkit offering women advice on how to better recognise and understand the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. The Toolkit provides links to clear and accurate information including locations of NSW Government funded clinics, as well as details of symptoms such as night sweats, mood swings, and disturbed…

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Labor ripping the guts out of the regions

Federal Nationals Leader David Littleproud says regional Australia is “getting its guts ripped out” by the federal Labor government. His comments comes as the federal Labor government prepares to hand down a budget which is expected to include massive cuts to regional programs. “This is all about politics, rather than this prime minister and this…

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Aboriginal languages revitalised in NSW schools

Students in NSW will soon be able to learn from the highest quality Aboriginal languages syllabus in the country. Nationals Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell has released a new Aboriginal Languages syllabus, saying NSW is proudly home to more than 35 Aboriginal Language groups, and more than 100 dialects of those languages.…

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Regional listening tour hits Cowper

Federal Nationals Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan has welcomed federal Nationals leader David Littleproud and Deputy Leader Senator Perin Davey to the Cowper electorate as part of the Nationals ‘Regional Listening Tour.’ “I’m heartened to see our newly elected National Party Leaders touring through Regional Australia to hear from those who matter most – the…

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West Wyalong ambulance station refurbishment complete

Paramedics in West Wyalong are working in a newly refurbished ambulance station thanks to the NSW Nationals in the state government’s $232 million Rural Ambulance Infrastructure Reconfiguration (RAIR) program. Nationals Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke said the upgrade has delivered improved amenities and an updated workspace to provide local paramedics with a better working environment…

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School back onsite at Wardell

The Wardell school community have moved into their new temporary school, marking the return of students to the original site after their school was destroyed by the Northern Rivers floods earlier this year. Nationals Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell joined the Wardell community for the open day. “I am thrilled to be…

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