The NSW Nationals have spent the first 10 months in the new term of Government delivering key election commitments including increasing drought support on and off farm, fast-tracking water infrastructure projects, investing in our regional youth and delivering local infrastructure projects.
Since March, the NSW Nationals in Government have passed the Right to Farm Bill, announced three new dam projects, appointed the State’s first Minister for Regional Youth, and continue to provide critical drought funding to regional communities.
The hard work happens outside of election cycles to make sure we deliver the projects we said we would, and that is what we have done.
Election commitments delivered in 2019 include:
• Legislating farmers’ Right to Farm;
• Funding three new or augmented dams;
• Appointing a Dairy Advocate for NSW;
• Appointment the first Minister for Regional Youth;
• Creating a Regional Youth Taskforce and the Office of Regional Youth;
• Opening round 1 of the $500 million Fixing Local Roads program;
• Increasing the Farm Innovation Fund to $1 billion, and;
• Establishing the Seafood Innovation Fund.
We will soon enter another big year of delivery, which will start with the rollout of the Regional Seniors Travel Card. Seniors living in Sydney enjoy subsidised public transports, but a lot of these options aren’t available in regional NSW.
That’s why the NSW Nationals in Government are introducing the $250 Regional Seniors Travel Card, to give regional seniors the same access to subsidised transport as seniors receive in Sydney.
All this comes on the back of the already-announced $1.8 billion drought package, the $250 million Drought Infrastructure package, and the more than $210 million invested into securing town water supplies across regional NSW.