Wheelie handy local sport grant for Tamworth

Tamworth BMX Club has received $15,000 in a Local Sport Grant that will be used to upgrade the competition track surface thanks to the NSW Nationals in Government. NSW Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said the grant would improve the Club’s pedal-power so it could begin to lobby again for major events on the…

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Turbocharging regional recycling abilities

The Federal Nationals in Government are turbocharging the country’s recycling capacity after the Council of Australian Governments agreed to progressively ban the export of plastic, paper, tyres and glass waste from July 2020. Federal Nationals Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan said the $190 million commitment to a new Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) would accelerate industry…

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Northern Rivers receives bushfire recovery help

The Nationals in Government have announced a number of bushfire recovery grants across regional and rural NSW. Federal Nationals Member for Page Kevin Hogan said Kyogle Council received a $1.3 million grant to assist with bushfire recovery, which was distributed through various businesses and community organisations. Mr Hogan said the funds were provided to the…

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Worimi Sports Leadership Project announced

Federal Nationals Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie has announced funding of $131,474 to assist the Tobwabba Aboriginal Medical Service to implement it’s Worimi Sports Leadership Project. In consultation with community, the Worimi Sports Leadership Project will increase participation of local Aboriginal community members in sport and recreation activities and foster excellence in high-performing individuals…

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New mobile phone towers for the regions

The NSW Nationals in Government will deliver new mobile phone towers, and a faster and more reliable wireless broadband internet service to regional communities, courtesy of the $50 million Connecting Country Communities Fund. Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro said 21 new mobile phone towers will be delivered in partnership with Optus…

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Victorian border closes to protect our state

The NSW Government will temporarily shut its border with Victoria to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to protect the health and jobs of NSW citizens. The closure will be effective from 12.01am Wednesday, July 8 and follows the concerning spread of COVID-19 in Melbourne. The decision to close the border was made after consultation…

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New National Rural Health Commissioner appointed

The appointment of eminent rural health advocate, medical practitioner and researcher Associate Professor Ruth Stewart as Australia’s next National Rural Health Commissioner further demonstrates the Nationals in Government’s commitment to improving health care in the bush. The Federal Nationals in Government recently extended and expanded the Office of the National Rural Health Commissioner to have…

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Bushfire cleanup meets initial target as rebuild begins

The NSW Nationals in Government’s bushfire clean-up program has met the initial 2800 property clearing target and further support for communities has been announced through a rebuild and housing strategy. NSW Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said all 18 eligible registered properties in the Coffs Harbour LGA had been cleared by Laing O’Rourke…

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Funding boost for Myall Lakes infrastructure

Member for Myall Lakes Stephen Bromhead said the funding will help both the Blackhead Surf Life Saving Club and the Forster-Tuncurry Men’s Shed continue supporting the community and recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and bushfires. The funding provided to Black Head SLSC works include installation of water tanks, security system and external lighting, solar…

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Shark funding to continue for North Coast beaches

Beachgoers all along the Northern Rivers will continue to be protected against shark attacks, with the NSW Nationals in Government investing a further $8 million in world-leading shark management technologies up and down the NSW coast. NSW Nationals Member of the Legislative Council Ben Franklin welcomed the announcement and said a modern fleet of shark-spotting…

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Gatekeepers to provide suicide prevention support

A legion of ‘Gatekeepers’ will help protect communities across NSW, with more than 10,000 volunteers in high-risk populations and industries being trained in suicide prevention. Deputy Premier John Barilaro said the NSW Nationals in Government were proud to deliver the first initiative of the Towards Zero Suicides program with a $2.8 million investment in community…

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Common sense support for real Australians

The Federal Nationals in Government have secured a number of important measures to help regular Australians. Federal Nationals Member for Page Kevin Hogan said the measures were part of the economic plan that will support regional communities and secure a strong economic and jobs recovery. Tax relief for low and middle-income earners Low and middle-income…

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Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh

Millions to support local seafood businesses

Commercial fishing, aquaculture and charter boat industries on the Coffs Coast are getting critical relief, with the NSW Nationals in Government announcing $9 million in support of seafood industries. NSW Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said it was important to the support the sector, which has taken a hit from bushfires and now…

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