Looking after mental health in lockdown

NSW Nationals Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor, Chief NSW Psychiatrist Dr Murray Wright, and Lifeline Chairman John Brogden are calling on the community to be aware of their own mental health and that of their family and loved ones while COVID-19 restrictions remain in place. Mrs Taylor said lockdown can be an incredibly stressful…

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Local fishos reel in share of $17 million in new projects

The NSW Nationals in the state government have announced a record 94 grants have been awarded through the Recreational Fishing Trust. The Trust takes fishing licence fees and invests them back into local community projects like jetties, boat ramps, cleaning tables, and education projects. Through these latest grants, more than $17 million will be given…

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Millions available in sport grants

Local sporting organisations are being urged to apply for grants following the opening of Round Two of the Regional Sport Facility Fund. The Fund provides grants for new and upgraded sports facilities in regional NSW, Lord Howe Island and Far West NSW. Nationals Member for Myall Lakes, Stephen Bromhead said the Fund was improving sport…

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Nats minister joins COVID vaccination frontline

Nationals Minister for Mental Health, Regional Youth, and Women Bronnie Taylor has gone back to her roots, joining the frontline of the vaccine rollout to protect the community from COVID-19. After vaccinating 50 locals at the Ochre Health Clinic in Cooma this week alongside one of her former colleagues, Mrs Taylor declared “Sister Taylor is…

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Fisheries crackdown nets results

Fishers who flout the law are on notice after Nationals Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall revealed a 44 per cent increase in fines since 2018, as part of the NSW Nationals in the state government’s blitz on protecting and enhancing the state’s aquatic resources. Mr Marshall said there were 3,172 fines issued in 2020 under…

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NSW Nats call for east coast ag labour taskforce

As the NSW and Australian agricultural sectors grapple with critical labour shortages ahead of a predicted record harvest season, NSW Nationals Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall has called for an overhaul of the country’s approach to seasonal work. Mr Marshall declared his intent to work closely with the Queensland, Victorian, and Tasmanian Governments to establish…

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New bridge project taking shape

Plans are powering ahead for a new $12.5 million bridge to replace the ageing timber truss bridge at Rawsonville, west of Dubbo. Nationals Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders said the new bridge will be built before the existing bridge is removed to minimise the impact on the community. “The majority of the community told us…

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NSW Nationals Member for Tweed Geoff Provest

Provest asks Queensland for a “please explain”

Nationals member for Tweed Geoff Provest has accused the Queensland government of blatant hypocrisy over its border policies. Mr Provest asked how it’s possible that yesterday a plane full of NRL players, their families, and associates were allowed to seamlessly cross the border into Queensland, flying from Sydney to Brisbane, landing and disembarking without a…

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Bronnie Taylor

Women of the Year nominations open

The search is on for the most outstanding and influential women in NSW, with nominations open for the 2022 NSW Women of the Year Awards. Nationals Minister for Women Bronnie Taylor said the annual awards play an important role in recognising inspirational women from diverse backgrounds across NSW. “These awards are all about celebrating women…

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Sport the big winner with $100 million fund

Sporting organisations are being urged to apply for infrastructure upgrades thanks to a $100 million funding boost from the NSW Nationals in the state government. Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said in the past this program has helped a number of successful projects get off the ground and he hopes to see more of…

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Disaster assistance for victims of storms and flooding in northern NSW

Disaster assistance is now available in the northern NSW local government areas of Glen Innes, Severn, and Inverell following severe storms and flooding earlier this year. Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Nationals Member for New England Barnaby Joyce said assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). “The severe…

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Aussie ingenuity rebuilding bushfire-damaged habitats

World-first technology is being used to rebuild natural habitats destroyed by bushfires, creating more than 800 new hollows that will provide displaced animals with a space to nest and roost. Nationals Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the 2019/20 bushfires destroyed 5.5 million hectares of tree hollows that possums, gliders, micro-bats and…

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More freight-friendly COVID testing sites

Two new freight-friendly testing sites are opening along key freight routes in the Hunter and Southern Tablelands to further support the freight industry and keep drivers COVID-Safe. Nationals Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the new pop-up sites at Marulan on the Hume Highway and Buchanan on the Hunter Expressway would make…

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