Nationals Advocate For Better Services

A new review into rural and regional telecommunications has been welcomed by Nationals Member for Parkes Mark Coulton. Mr Coulton said the 2018 Regional Telecommunications Review: Getting it right out there document put forward 10 recommendations to improve access to telecommunications infrastructure, modernise consumer protections and ensure better digital inclusion, shining a light on digital agriculture…


Nationals MP Wants Level Playing Field For Dairy

About 30 local dairy farmers and industry representatives met with officials in Wauchope this week to have their say on a dairy industry code of conduct. Federal Nationals Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie participated in the discussions about how the new mandatory code should look in order to improve help improve contracts between farmers and…


Nationals Thank Farmers On Ag Day

NSW Nationals Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke has sung the praises of farmers in the Cootamundra electorate on National Agriculture Day for their contributions to the NSW primary industries sector. Cootamundra electorate farmers contributed to the state’s primary industries sector estimated output of $17.5 billion in 2017-18, despite the ongoing drought. Ms Cooke said the…


OPINION: Radical Vegans Campaign For Meat Taxes

Extreme-left activists are campaigning for “meat taxes” on social media, forcing the beef industry to defend itself. While the activists claim hiking the prices of beef, lamb and pork would save the health system millions and prevent deaths, Australian health and industry experts said there was no science behind the claims. Meat and dairy products…
