State Declaration

IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION Donations to Political Parties There is a cap on political donations to the NSW Nationals. The cap is $6,300 for aggregated political donations to or for the benefit of a registered political party during the 2018/2019 financial year. This contribution is considered a donation to the NSW Nationals. Prohibited Donors  Property developers,…


Annual General Conference 2018 motions

The NSW Nationals’ Annual General Conference is always a great example of grassroots democracy in action, which is very healthy within the Party. Here are all of the motions put to the Conference in Cowra and their outcomes. Overview The Agenda Committee received 198 motions from branches, electorate councils, regional conferences, policy committees and other…


Farming horror stories from Royal Commission

The mistreatment of farmers by some of Australia’s biggest financial institutions is finally coming to light, thanks to the “Banking Royal Commission” that was championed by NSW Senator John ‘Wacka’ Williams. The self-described “country bloke from the bush” fought long and hard to establish the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services…


Annual General Conference 2018

It was one of the coldest weekends in recent history, but the 2018 Annual General Conference was a rousing success, not only for members but also the township of Cowra. The event started with welcome drinks at the Japanese Gardens on Thursday evening, which were not only a warm reprieve from the icy wind but…


NSW Government Drought Package

NSW Budget 2018 Drought Package More than $579 million has been allocated to help drought-affected farmers in the NSW Government’s Budget 2018. Drought has been a constant and inevitable feature of the NSW landscape. Approximately half the state is in drought or is experiencing conditions fast approaching drought. Some of the worst-hit areas are the…


2018 NSW Young Nationals Conference Motions

POLICY MOTIONS Transport That this conference calls for the expansion of the Opal Card network into regional NSW. Annie Hazelton That this conference calls for the reduction of the domestic head tax on regional airlines. Annie Hazelton ——————————————————— Energy and Environment That the NSW Young Nationals call on the NSW State Government to ban the…


In memoriam – Bryce Osmond

The success of our Party, the Nationals, has two main elements. First and foremost, it is our grassroots membership base. Second, it’s the strong, plainly spoken leaders our Party is respected and renowned for. It’s the team that those leaders surround themselves with, that helps our Party be at its best. In April, we lost…
