Labor abandons regional communities – again

Federal Nationals Member for Riverina Michael McCormack says river communities have been “shafted” by the Labor Government over its decision to sidle up to the Greens to strip water for irrigation in the Murray-Darling Basin. Mr McCormack said this was yet another blow to Riverina and Central West residents already hurting from the high cost-of-living…


Cowper health and aged care forums

Federal Nationals Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan and Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health Dr Anne Webster have undertaken a three-day tour of the Mid North Coast that included site visits and round-table forums with local Health and Aged Care providers and educators. Three forums were held – in Port Macquarie, Kempsey, and Coffs Harbour.…


Crippling the regions and driving up the cost of living

Nationals Leader and Shadow Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said Labor’s plan to underwrite a five-fold increase in new government-backed renewables across Australia will have profoundly damaging consequences on regional Australia and continue to drive up the cost of living for everyone. Mr Littleproud said Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s panicked market intervention to achieve Labor’s target…


Remembering Stephen Bromhead

Yesterday, in both Houses of the NSW Parliament, a condolence motion was moved for Stephen Bromhead – the former Member for Myall Lakes. Stephen entered the NSW Parliament at the 2011 election, having joined The Nationals in the mid-1980s from a background of nursing, policing, and the law. His involvement with our Party lasted some…
