Backing sporting equality for women and girls

Women and girls across NSW will have access to more inclusive sporting facilities, thanks to the NSW Government’s $25 million Female Friendly Sport Facilities and Lighting Upgrades Program. Almost 100 community sport facilities are set to be transformed, delivering female-friendly change rooms, amenities and lighting upgrades, which is one of the biggest barriers that prevent…


Transforming healthcare in the Cowra region

The Cowra community can look forward to enhanced health services within a new state-of-the art facility, with early works underway for the $110.2 million Cowra Hospital redevelopment. Nationals Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke has turned the first sod at the new purpose-built facility, due for completion in 2025. “The start of early works marks a…


Regional youth take over the airwaves

Radio workshops for Aboriginal youth, podcast creation and training in interviewing, script writing and audio editing are among the projects to be funded under the NSW Nationals’ 2023 Regional Youth Radio Program. Nationals Minister for Regional Youth Ben Franklin has been joined by Nationals’ MLC Wes Fang and Nationals’ candidate for Wagga Wagga Andrianna Benjamin…


Major tourism project lights up outback NSW

A first-of-its-kind light installation along the Murray River will help attract tens of thousands of visitors and pump tens of millions of dollars into the Far West economy, under the NSW Nationals’ vision to position outback NSW as a major global tourism destination. Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said the interactive…


Big win for Coffs tennis club

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh at Westside Tennis Club with facility manager Allan Pade and secretary Kate Blackman. A Coffs Coast tennis club can now undertake a priority project thanks to Round Five of the NSW Nationals’ Stronger Country Communities Fund. Nationals’ member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said Westside Tennis Club is celebrating…
