Nats facelift for Forster

Funding of $420,000 from the NSW Nationals in the federal government will spruce up Forster’s Pelican Boardwalk, Main Beach, and a children’s park on Kularoo Drive. The Federal Coalition Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (Round 3) will provide funding for the following projects in 2022: Pelican Boardwalk – Redecking Stage 2                              $100,000 Main…


COVID-19 rules extended to maintain community safety

Current COVID-19 restrictions will be extended for another month, with a focus on a safe return to school and restarting non-urgent elective surgery as soon as possible. Current settings will continue from Thursday, January 27, 2022, until Sunday, February 28, 2022, including: Hospitality venues, including pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes, and nightclubs must follow the…


Local projects to roll out across Oxley

Eleven projects will be delivered across Oxley as the Stronger Country Community Fund provides new and upgraded facilities, infrastructure, and programs that make a big difference to everyday life in the bush. Nationals Member for Oxley Melinda Pavey said these projects will build upon the NSW government’s vision to help make regional NSW the best…


COVID-smart plan for return to school

Schools will resume under COVID-smart settings that will minimise the risk of the virus and allow teachers and pupils to safely return to the classroom. As part of the new measures, every student and teacher in NSW government and non-government schools will be able to receive rapid antigen test (RAT) kits before school returns on…


Nats support Riding for the Disabled

Riding for the Disabled is a voluntary, non-profit organisation which provides opportunities for anyone with a disability to enjoy safe, healthy, therapeutic, horse-related activities. The organisation is made up of some wonderful students, parents, committee members, and volunteers. Last year Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole paid a number of visits to…


A momentous day with outstanding results

The wait is over for 76,000 students who have received their Higher School Certificate results. Nationals Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said this is a momentous day for school leavers, who have achieved outstanding results on par with previous years. “The Class of 2021 should feel so proud of what they have achieved today, succeeding…
