Time for Trade Minister to get on with the job

Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism, Kevin Hogan, is calling on the Labor government to prioritise parliamentary consideration of the UK and India trade deals by referring them this week to the Joint Standing Committee on Trade. Under Australia’s treaty making process, trade agreements must be considered by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT).…


Water minister blame game

Deputy Nationals leader Perin Davey says the government has misled Parliament with numbers as rubbery as their election promises on the Murray Darling Basin plan. Senator Davey, the shadow minister for water, said in a bizarre over-reach the Minister for Water, Tanya Plibersek, has ignored publicly available advice from her own Department and claimed to…


Cooma Hospital redevelopment powers ahead

What an exciting day for Cooma and the Snowy Monaro with the official opening of Cooma Hospital’s brand new state-of-the-art Emergency Department. The official ceremony was attended by dignitaries including Nationals Minister for Regional Health Bronnie Taylor and Nationals Member for Monaro Nichole Overall. Mrs Taylor said today is a celebration for the local community…


More funding for Myall Lakes road upgrades

Safer journeys are on the way across the Myall Lakes, with Point Road in Tuncurry the latest to be upgraded under the most recent round of the Fixing Local Roads Program. Nationals Member for Myall Lakes, Stephen Bromhead said the Point Road project will make a significant difference to locals and visitors. “This project will…


More Upper Hunter local roads to be fixed

More Upper Hunter roads in are in line for vital repair, maintenance, and sealing work under Round Four of the NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads program. Upper Hunter Nationals MP Dave Layzell said previous rounds of the program have delivered more than $20 million to the electorate across over 30 projects undertaken by Dungog, Singleton,…
