Jacksons Bridge upgrade

Work is powering ahead to replace the timber Jacksons Bridge over the Lachlan River at Hillston with a new concrete bridge that will improve freight efficiencies and better connect local communities. Nationals Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said Jacksons Bridge was among more than 400 of the state’s ageing timber bridges being…


Lightening the road load on regional councils

The NSW Government has released the Independent Panel’s Interim Report into road classification and the transfer of regional roads to state ownership, including recommendations for the Priority Round of transfers and reclassifications. Nationals Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the government had accepted the Panel’s recommendations for the transfer of 391 kilometres…


Stay at home orders

Stay-at-home orders will be introduced for the Kempsey, Byron Shire and Tweed LGAs from 5pm today (Tuesday, September 21) for seven days due to an increased COVID-19 public health risk. This comes after an authorised worker spent several days in the areas and later tested positive. The stay-at-home orders also apply to anyone who has…


Nats deliver Marine Rescue safety upgrade

NSW Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh has congratulated the Marine Rescue NSW Woolgoolga Unit on the welcome arrival of new safety equipment. Mr Singh said the unit is the beneficiary $81,000 in funding from the NSW Nationals in the state government for the purchase of a rescue vessel launching tractor, now in operation…


Spectacular boost to school arts programs

A new grants program has been created to help rebuild school arts programs as students return next term. Nationals Minister for Education and Early Childhood Sarah Mitchell has launched the Arts Recovery Program, which will operate with funds earmarked for the world’s biggest variety show – the NSW Schools Spectacular. The Spectacular, which highlights the…
