Beekeepers urged to ramp up self-surveillance

State-wide surveillance will be strengthened to ensure NSW beekeepers have greater flexibility to continue their operations, through a new Varroa Mite Emergency Order, effective today. Nationals Minister for Agriculture Dugald Saunders said changes to the Emergency Order will increase the surveillance registered beekeepers are required to conduct each year. “Registered beekeepers across NSW have shown…


Nurse practitioners a welcome boost for New England

Great news for the New England region, with four new nurse practitioners finishing their orientation before joining the communities of Gunnedah, Glen Innes, and Bingara from next week. Nationals Minister for Regional Health Bronnie Taylor said these highly skilled nursing professionals are able to operate autonomously and collaboratively to treat people with highly complex and…


Building a career in construction

Students in the Dubbo electorate now have more opportunities after completing school, thanks to the NSW Nationals in the state government’s Infrastructure Traineeship Program. The two-year traineeship program is a collaboration between Government infrastructure agencies and industry partners, offering Year 12 school leavers a rounded experience. Nationals Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders said applications are…
