NSW Nationals communique

State and Federal Parliamentary members of the NSW Nationals met with the party’s Central Executive on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 to discuss a co-ordinated intergovernmental response to ensure we continue to support our regional communities dealing with the impacts of drought and the recent bushfires. The effect of the recent bushfires and ongoing drought on…


One-stop shop removes bushfire red tape

Bushfire-affected families and businesses can now access all available assistance being offered by local councils, the State Government and Federal Government, through the NSW Government’s new Bushfire Customer Care program. NSW Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said this one-stop shop service, administered by Service NSW, connects people with a Customer Care specialist, who…


Regional Seniors Travel Card pilot launched

Up to 80 Coffs Harbour seniors will be the first to try out the NSW Nationals in Government’s $250 Regional Seniors Travel Card from Thursday, January 23 ahead of applications opening statewide later this month. Deputy Premier John Barilaro said the new card would ease the burden of travel costs for eligible seniors living in…


Nationals in Government co-ordinate bushfire cleanup

The NSW Nationals in Government will co-ordinate the clean-up of residential and commercial properties destroyed by bushfires this season, at no cost to owners, so they can start rebuilding and communities can begin healing. Deputy Premier and Minister responsible for Disaster Recovery John Barilaro said work was already underway to clear insured and uninsured properties.…


Further support for bushfire-affected businesses

Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan has welcomed an additional $76 million from the Federal Nationals in Government to help the tourism industry recover and grants and tax-relief for businesses in areas worst-hit by bushfires. Grants for eligible businesses and non-profit organisations of up to $50,000 (tax free) have also been announced to help businesses get…


Premier appoints Barra as Minister for fire recovery

Deputy Premier and NSW Nationals Leader John Barilaro will be the Minister responsible for disaster recovery, leading recovery efforts following the recent bushfires across NSW. Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the unprecedented scale of the 2019/20 bushfire season required additional arrangements to be put in place to ensure impacted communities recover and rebuild as quickly as…


Further support for bushfire-affected regions

Federal Nationals Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan says the Government is providing an additional $100 million for primary producers worst-hit by bushfires. Farm, fish and forestry businesses will now be able to apply for up to $75,000 in grants to help pay for essentials like fodder and water or rebuilding fences and horticultural netting. “I…

Sarah Mitchell

It’s time we show them the good parts, too

Education & Early Childhood Minister Sarah Mitchell – a proud daughter of the regions – writes about the importance of teaching children about the country. Sometimes it is too easy for children to forget our farmers. They forget that the produce that ends up on their plates comes from relentless hard work on the land,…


Focus on rural health for Nationals Ministers

The Federal and NSW Nationals in Government have joined forces at Australia’s first Bilateral Regional Health Forum to decide how their combined investment of more than $2 billion can be maximised to boost rural healthcare. Key Nationals such as Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Riverina Michael McCormack, Minister for Regional Services Mark Coulton and…
