Fire station upgrade campaign kicks off

The campaign to upgrade Werris Creek and Manilla fire stations has kicked off with Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson taking Minister for Emergency Services Steph Cooke to the stations to highlight the issues the crews are facing. Mr Anderson said it was important to support firefighters in our smaller communities because they are critical…


Boost for Hunter hydrogen industry

The NSW Government will assist the Committee for the Hunter to turn its great ideas for a Hunter hydrogen industry into reality, thanks to the $24 million Regional NSW – Business Case and Strategy Development Fund. Nationals Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell said the Fund will provide backing to enable the Committee for the…


Safer cars for country kids

Young drivers in regional NSW will be given a cash incentive to help them buy a newer, safer vehicle under a new state-first program by the NSW Nationals in government. The Safer Cars for Country Kids program will provide a $5,000 subsidy for up to 1,000 young drivers to help them purchase a safer car.…


Funding boost for Manning Valley Hockey Association

The Manning sporting community will benefit from a cash boost of $136,618 under the NSW Government’s Club Grants 3 Infrastructure Grants program. Nationals’ Member for Myall Lakes, Stephen Bromhead, said the funding would allow the Manning Valley Hockey Association to install sun safe covered grandstands on their main field and provide additional sheltered seating between…


Record funding boost for surf life saving

A re-elected NSW Nationals Government will inject $23 million into Surf Life Saving NSW (SLSNSW) to deliver vital new rescue equipment to help keep people safe along our coastline. It’s the biggest investment that any state government has committed to SLSNSW in its 116-year history and will equip our volunteers with the equipment they need…
