The NSW Nationals in Government will deliver new mobile phone towers, and a faster and more reliable wireless broadband internet service to regional communities, courtesy of the $50 million Connecting Country Communities Fund.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro said 21 new mobile phone towers will be delivered in partnership with Optus and Telstra, and the wireless broadband service will be delivered by rural communications carrier Yless4U.
“This funding will contribute to a significant improvement in internet connectivity speeds that will reach more than double current speeds by September 2021, and further improve by May 2025,” Mr Barilaro said.
“This will improve safety, boost opportunities for businesses, increase community access to services, connect family and friends, and ensure younger residents can access the online educational resources they need.
“The $50 million Connecting Country Communities Fund, complements the NSW Nationals in Government’s election commitment of $400 million through the Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund to address mobile black spots and internet connectivity in regional NSW.”
The funding, which is being delivered in partnership between the Department of Regional New South Wales and the NSW Telecommunications Authority, is a big win for regional NSW and would help strengthen communities.
This funding will enhance existing assets including towers, land, fibre and backhaul as well as building new infrastructure to enable communities to be better connected. Now more than ever, access to a strong mobile phone service and faster and more reliable internet is as important as road, rail and electricity infrastructure.