Drought Relief Efforts Continue To Ramp Up

The Nationals in Government are making it easier for farmers and their families to access drought relief, with new measures announced by Primary Industries Minister Niall Blair. With the entire State continuing to be affected by the drought, it’s important that our response also continues to develop. Mr Blair has made it easier to access…

Labor Games Shortchanging Workers

Labor has proven once again it is putting ideology before people, with State Governments turning their back on half a billion dollars. Queensland and Victoria’s Labor Governments were set to receive $245 million and $320 million to create 50,000 new apprentice and training program places in the next four years. But those States chose not…

Applications Open For $200M Building Better Regions Fund

Federal Nationals Leader and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack has announced the opening of Round Three of the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund. Mr McCormack said the Riverina and Central West communities he represented had already benefited from the previous two rounds of the fund, but urged local groups to get together and put…

Nationals ‘Win’ Campaign For People Before Profits

Senator John ‘Wacka’ Williams has been fighting for a Royal Commission for almost a decade. The Nationals’ champion of the Banking Royal Commission says the newly-released interim report confirms his suspicions of the finance industry. Senator John ‘Wacka’ Williams said he always thought they put profits before people and the report confirmed his view. “It’s…

Proof Is In: Nationals Good For Economy

Australia’s Federal Budget is on the mend after years of Labor mismanagement thanks to the hard work of the Liberals and Nationals in Government. The Final Budget Outcome for the 2017-18 financial year recorded an underlying cash deficit $19.3 billion better than estimated at the time of the 2017-18 Budget. This is the smallest the…

Nationals Protect Anglers From Labor’s Lockouts

The Nationals in Government have worked to ensure anglers will be protected from proposed fishing lockouts. Deputy NSW Nationals Leader and Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair said there would be no loss of fishing rights or access under in proposed marine park sites put forward by the NSW Marine Estate Management Authority (MEMA). This common-sense…

Nationals Raise Voices For Milk

A number of NSW Nationals MPs have joined the chorus calling for milk price relief from the major supermarkets. Dairy farmers are under pressure from rising feed prices while processors sell milk to Coles, Woolworths and Aldi that lands on the shelf with a $1 per litre price tag. Many farmers have complained that the…

Free Heavy Vehicle Rego For Farmers In Drought

NSW Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said farmers in regional communities will get more cash back in their pockets with rebates and refunds on heavy vehicle registration after changes to the way registration charges are calculated for primary producers. Mr Anderson welcomed Deputy Premier and NSW Nationals Leader John Barilaro’s announcement, with changes coming…

Nationals MP Campaigns For Dairy Farmers

A NSW Nationals MP has asked the major supermarkets to help dairy farmers by raising the price of milk. Member for Coffs Harbour Andrew Fraser wrote to the managing directors of Woolworths, Coles and Aldi requesting they increase the price of their home brand milks by at least 20 cents per litre and pass the increase…

Shooters Plans Backfire

Robert Brown from the Shooters flanked by Labor’s Adam Searle and the Greens’ Mehreen Faruqi. Picture: Facebook The Shooters and Fishers’ secret preference deals with Labor have already backfired, as the protest party makes a populist stand on marine parks. In response to a NSW Liberal proposal to create marine parks around Sydney, the Shooters…