Figures Reveal Nats in Government Back Regions

New data has revealed the Nationals in Government are helping secure the future of regional areas. Federal Member for Parkes and Decentralisation Minister Mark Coulton said a 44 per cent increase in regional migrant placements were backing the regions and taking population pressure off our largest cities. “The Government’s decentralisation agenda is supporting strong and…

APVMA Relocation To Armidale Now Official

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) headquarters has officially opened in Armidale, signalling an exciting new era for rural and regional Australia. Federal Nationals Agriculture Minister and Deputy Leader Bridget McKenzie joined Member for New England Barnaby Joyce to open the APVMA’s new home, and said that the move from Canberra was a…

Beat The City Rush… Permanently

A planning expert has suggested what the Nationals have been saying for years: Encourage people to move to regional centres. In an opinion piece written for Domain, University of Sydney academic Glen Searle says smaller cities need rapid growth to “pack a punch”, but he suggests those efforts be focused on Adelaide and Canberra. The…