Homes and support for vulnerable mothers
The NSW Nationals in the state government are investing $5.5 million in social housing to give vulnerable young mothers a secure home and greater support.
The NSW Nationals in the state government are investing $5.5 million in social housing to give vulnerable young mothers a secure home and greater support.
Organisations with projects that empower women and promote their wellbeing can now apply for a share in $400,000 from the NSW Nationals in government.
Regional domestic violence services can now apply for a share of $8 million in grants.
People across the state are encouraged to celebrate the contributions of inspirational women in NSW councils by making a nomination for the 2021 Ministers’ Awards for Women in Local Government.
The NSW Nationals congratulate Grace Brennan, whose inspirational call to support the bush earned her the NSW Regional Woman of the Year Award.
The NSW Nationals are committed to increasing the number of female councillors serving their local communities.
Thirty of the state’s most inspirational and influential women have been named as finalists in the NSW Women of the Year Awards after a year like no other.
A program to help regional women attend workshops on commercial success, upskilling and network building is being funded by the NSW Nationals in the state government.
Women across rural and regional NSW will be able to access a comprehensive online financial resource thanks to the NSW Nationals in the state government.
The 2021 NSW Women of the Year Awards will acknowledge the achievements of some of the state’s youngest leaders, with NSW Nationals Minister for Women Bronnie Taylor revealing a brand new award for girls as young as seven. Mrs Taylor said the new ‘One to Watch’ honour had been created to recognise the rising stars…