Perin Davey Wins Senate Seat

The NSW Nationals have a new Senator for the next six years, and the bush has a tough fighter on its side. Perin Davey, a no-nonsense country woman from the Riverina, has been elected as a NSW Senator after the distribution of preferences by the Australian Electoral Commission. This great result comes after a hard-fought…

Federal Nationals Returned To Government

The Federal Nationals have been returned to Government after a hard-fought campaign thanks to the tireless work of our members and supporters. This incredible result is because of the long hours spent on pre-poll, handing out how-to-vote cards across the State. It’s due to all the people who got up at the crack of dawn…

More Drought Relief Thanks To The Nationals

The Nationals in Government are standing by our farmers and our rural and regional communities affected by drought. Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Nationals Leader Michael McCormack announced further measures worth $57.4 million to ensure farmers, their families and communities get the support they need as the drought continues. “We have made drought a national…

Unions Reveal Plan To Enforce Socialism Under Shorten

Labor’s union bosses have outlined a radical plan to implement socialist workplace laws in Australia. Sally McManus, boss of the powerful Shorten-backing ACTU, wants to scrap the enterprise bargaining system and replace it with socialist profit sharing. This is the latest attempt at social engineering by the unions, who seem to have forgotten the misery…