Gillespie says get cracking on infrastructure projects

Federal Nationals Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie has called on State Governments and Local Councils to get on and build projects where funds have been allocated. Dr Gillespie said he had several meetings with Federal Minister for Infrastructure Catherine King requesting that funds previously allocated to local projects by the former Nationals Government continue…

Crippling the regions and driving up the cost of living

Nationals Leader and Shadow Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said Labor’s plan to underwrite a five-fold increase in new government-backed renewables across Australia will have profoundly damaging consequences on regional Australia and continue to drive up the cost of living for everyone. Mr Littleproud said Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s panicked market intervention to achieve Labor’s target…

Remembering Stephen Bromhead

Yesterday, in both Houses of the NSW Parliament, a condolence motion was moved for Stephen Bromhead – the former Member for Myall Lakes. Stephen entered the NSW Parliament at the 2011 election, having joined The Nationals in the mid-1980s from a background of nursing, policing, and the law. His involvement with our Party lasted some…

Water Minister must come clean on Basin deal

Shadow Water Minister Steph Cooke has slammed the ongoing secrecy surrounding the rewritten Murray-Darling Basin Plan between the NSW Labor Government and the Commonwealth, labelling it as “politics at its worst”. Ms Cooke, the NSW Nationals Member for Cootamundra, said buybacks are a blunt instrument that literally wipe communities off the map. “The Premier has…

Agriculture under siege on Ag Day

Nationals Leader and Shadow Agriculture Minister David Littleproud has warned farmer confidence is at an all-time low on Ag Day, after the National Farmers’ Federation surveyed more than 1600 farmers and found the majority thought Labor was harming the industry. Mr Littleproud said Ag Day was important to acknowledge the incredible work being done by…

Show Upper Hunter the money Premier!

Upper Hunter MP Dave Layzell has challenged the Minns Labor Government to show his electorate the money, with the local community still not advised whether a $400,000 March election commitment has been honoured. Mr Layzell said Labor’s candidate publicly made promises in the days before the March 25 poll that two Upper Hunter electorate organisations…

“A hero who gave everything to keep us safe” – a statement from Tanya Thompson MP on the passing of volunteer firefighter Leo Fransen

Captain Leonardus Fransen, a life member of the Diamond Beach Rural Fire Brigade, tragically lost his life yesterday while fighting the Hudson bushfire in north-western New South Wales. With great sadness, I extend my condolences to Leo’s family; his wife Margaret and children Julia and Paul, as well as his friends, and his entire RFS…