Conservatorium upgrade hits the right note

The Coffs Harbour Regional Conservatorium is celebrating the completion of a significant upgrade thanks to $190,000 in funding from the former Nationals Government. Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh joined Conservatorium Chair Lesley Schoer, Acting Artistic Director Dr Glen Hodges, and other members of the Con team to officially mark the completion of the…

Cherry festival a blooming success

Photograph caption: Steph Cooke was on hand to help officially open this year’s National Cherry Festival alongside (from left), Hilltops Deputy Mayor Alison Foreman, Federal Member for Riverina Michael McCormack, Hilltops Mayor Marg Roles, Young High School student Bella Charles, and reigning Cherry Queen Brianna Long. Nationals Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke has applauded all…

Dream Dubbo Christmas brought to life by local students

The children of the Dubbo electorate have unleashed their creativity in the annual Christmas card design competition. Each year Nationals Member for Dubbo, Dugald Saunders, calls for primary-school children across the electorate to help design his Christmas card, and this year Zeon Burger from St Mary’s in Dubbo took out first place. Zeon, who’s 12,…

Basin communities sold down the river for a pittance

At a time when Australians are suffering from cost-of-living pressures, they are now being forced to fund a massive job-destroying policy which will decrease the nation’s productivity, drive up the cost of living, and see more imported food on our supermarket shelves whilst diverting billions of dollars of taxpayers’ funding from health, education, roads, and…

Labor abandons regional communities – again

Federal Nationals Member for Riverina Michael McCormack says river communities have been “shafted” by the Labor Government over its decision to sidle up to the Greens to strip water for irrigation in the Murray-Darling Basin. Mr McCormack said this was yet another blow to Riverina and Central West residents already hurting from the high cost-of-living…

Cowper health and aged care forums

Federal Nationals Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan and Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Health Dr Anne Webster have undertaken a three-day tour of the Mid North Coast that included site visits and round-table forums with local Health and Aged Care providers and educators. Three forums were held – in Port Macquarie, Kempsey, and Coffs Harbour.…

“To say I am devastated is an understatement”

Photo – Steph Cooke with Tresillian CEO Rob Mills  Nationals Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke, is seeking an urgent meeting with the NSW Health Minister following a decision that the promised Tresillian residential unit at the new Cowra Hospital would not be proceeding. In September last year Ms Cooke announced there would be two beds…

Oberon locals fear Labor’s wrecking wind towers

Nationals Leader David Littleproud and Senator Ross Cadell have met Oberon locals, concerned about plans for wind turbines in the areas as part of Labor’s reckless race to renewables. The Oberon Community Forum heard how prime agricultural and forestry land in the area could soon be ripped up for hundreds of wind turbines. Mr Littleproud…