Rough ride ahead for regional roads

Shadow Minister for Regional Roads Sam Farraway has demanded NSW Minister for Regional Roads Jenny Aitchison come clean and admit she’s only delivering $30 million – not $670 million – to councils this financial year to fix potholes on the state’s regional roads. Mr Farraway said while he’s pleased that after six months in government…

Devastating setback for TV and film industry

Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour, Gurmesh Singh, has slammed a decision by the Minns Labor Government to axe the Made in NSW program. Mr Singh, the Shadow Minister for Tourism and Shadow Minister for the North Coast, said Made in NSW was a five year $175 million program designed to attract high-end television and feature…

Labor’s devastating and clueless dam decision

State and federal National Party MPs have slammed the decision by the Minns Labor Government to ditch plans to raise the Wyangala Dam wall. Nationals Member for Cootamundra and Shadow Water Minister Steph Cooke said the decision is a short-sighted move that demonstrates how clueless the Premier is when it comes to the needs of…

Qatar Airways decision hits farmers and tourism

Nationals Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism, Kevin Hogan, said Albanese Government’s decision to stop Qatar Airways increasing its flights to Australia will hit the nation’s critical tourism industry as well as our farmers. Mr Hogan said Labor’s rejection of Qatar Airways’ request to double capacity with an extra 28 weekly flights will hurt the…