Bringing thousands of new jobs to the bush

An advanced manufacturing precinct at Narromine that will create more than 250 jobs is among the latest projects to benefit from the NSW Nationals in the state government’s $130 million Regional Job Creation Fund. An additional $55.5 million in funding had been awarded, leveraging $180.3 million in private investment across 69 projects across regional NSW…

New $150 million program for neglected unsealed roads

The NSW Nationals in the federal government have launched a new $150 million Remote Roads Upgrade Pilot Program. Acting Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said the trial program would target unsealed roads throughout remote Australia, many of which haven’t been upgraded since the Great Depression. Mr Joyce said the program would offer councils between 80% and…

Queensland – open the border!

Federal Nationals Member for Page Kevin Hogan has again called for the Queensland border to be reopened, as international travel resumes. “From today you can fly overseas and do not need an exemption, you can travel freely between NSW, Victoria and the ACT,” Mr Hogan said. “But we cannot drive into Queensland.” “Family and friends…

“A great day for regional NSW”

NSW has reached the November 1 roadmap milestone, with a further easing of restrictions for the double-vaccinated. From today, fully vaccinated residents can travel for holidays and recreation between Greater Sydney and regional NSW, bookings for hospitality venues are no longer capped, and fully vaccinated travellers from overseas can enter NSW without having to quarantine,…