Free courses to help bushfire-affected communities

Communities in bushfire-affected areas will have access to fee-free training courses to support the clean-up and recovery process. The Nationals in Government at a state and federal level have already committed to picking up the bill for the clean-up of residential and commercial properties destroyed by the recent bushfires at no cost to owners. Deputy…

Grafton Hospital upgrade nearing completion

The new $17.5 million Grafton Base Hospital Ambulatory Care Centre is on track to be completed by middle of this year despite disruption from the coronavirus, Clarence Nationals MP Chris Gulaptis has announced. “In fact, the builders are addressing the COVID-19 situation and have introduced precautionary measures to ensure a safe workplace for all involved…

Getting on with the job at Dungowan Dam

Water security in Tamworth has been increased thanks to funding announced by the NSW Nationals in Government to fast-track critical water infrastructure projects. NSW Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said the region had seen much-needed rain but was still dealing with the repercussions of the drought and the disastrous effect it had on our…

Helping deliver donated fodder

Throughout May trucks carrying a total of 574 tonnes of hay will be rolling into Gollan to help drought-affected farmers, thanks to a $137,000 NSW Nationals in Government Donated Fodder Transport subsidy. NSW Nationals Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders said this was part of a broad range of support available to assist farmers and their…

Fireproofing critical communications gear

The Nationals in Government are investing $37.1 million to strengthen telecommunications resilience in bushfire and disaster-prone areas so that communities can stay connected during emergencies. Federal Nationals Minister for Regional Communications Mark Coulton MP said the Government was taking swift action to implement measures to improve telecommunications resilience and redundancy following the 2019-20 bushfire season.…