Annual General Conference 2019 Motions

The NSW Nationals’ Annual General Conference is always a great example of grassroots democracy in action, which is very healthy within the Party. Here are the successful motions put to the Conference in Inverell. Overview The Agenda Committee received 197 motions from branches, electorate councils, regional conferences, policy committees and other party units. However, with…

Bara’s Fiery Address Met With Cheers

Find our why everyone’s talking about that speech with some excerpts from NSW Nationals Leader and Deputy Premier John Barilaro’s address: Recently, I looked up the definition for the term ‘Coalition’ which states, and I quote: “A temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government”. Now our ‘temporary alliance’ with the…

Bede Bids Fond Farewell As Chair

NSW Nationals Chairman Bede Burke has reflected on his time as Chair and thanked his Vice Chairs for their support and service. Read excerpts from his speech below: I love what our conference represents, as well as what it achieves. We are still the only grassroots political party in Australia that is truly democratic, and…

NSW Nationals Elect New Chairman

The NSW Nationals Central Council has elected Andrew Fraser as the Party’s new Chairman. A long-serving Member for Coffs Harbour until he retired at the March State Election, Mr Fraser has a long history with the NSW Nationals. The Party’s new executive was elected at a Central Council meeting in Inverell ahead of the Party’s…