Major boost for Myall Lakes SES units

NSW Nationals Member for Myall Lakes Stephen Bromhead has announced that community safety continues to be paramount for the Government with the delivery of five state-of-the-art vehicles and marine vessels for the State Emergency Service (SES) across the Myall Lakes. The new equipment forms part of the $56.4 million SES fleet replacement program funded by…

Building disaster resilience in regional NSW

The NSW Nationals in Government will inject more than $2 million into recruiting volunteers and developing their leadership skills to enhance disaster resilience across the State. Funding will be divided between the NSW Community Resilience Innovation Programs (CRIP) which receives $1.4 million and $630,000 for the Emergency Volunteer Support Scheme (EVSS). The State’s west will…

Nats Delivering On Emergency Service Promises

NSW Nationals Member for Tweed Geoff Provest is busy delivering on his promises, turning the sod on the new Tweed Hospital, delivering the Pottsville Ambulance Station, and securing more Police resources. A sod-turning ceremony marked the countdown to the start of construction on the state-of-the art $534 million Tweed Valley Hospital this week, with Mr…