Multi-million dollar boost for bushfire-affected industries

Bushfire-impacted dairy farmers, fruit growers and forestry businesses are set to benefit from recovery funding to help them get back on their feet and back to work, thanks to the NSW Nationals in Government’s $140 million Bushfire Industry Recovery Package. NSW Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said targeted grants would be available to…

Nats in Government delivering on dam promises

The NSW Nationals in Government are one step closer to delivering the state’s first major dam projects in three decades after signing on partner company WaterSecure to oversee the projects. NSW Nationals Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke said the announcement meant the Wyangala Dam wall-raising would be fast-tracked in her electorate, as well as building…

Students return to classrooms across the state

NOTE: Picture taken prior to social distancing restrictions. Schools across rural and regional NSW have welcomed back their students to fulltime classes in public schools. NSW Nationals Member for Myall Lakes Stephen Bromhead said he was thrilled that life was getting back to normal in an important way for school students. “We know that parents,…