The Minns Labor Government is risking lives, as regional paramedics refuse to renew their professional registration over a pay dispute that is threatening to leave the state’s health system with mass shortages from January 1.
Nationals Leader Dugald Saunders has met members of the Ambulance Division Health Services Union to hear first-hand what this will mean.
“Our paramedics are extremely hard working and dedicated, and across many communities in regional NSW they can be the most experienced and highly qualified health professionals we have,” Mr Saunders said.
“Unfortunately, we have seen all talk and no action from the Minns Labor Government – a government that was voted in on the premise of delivering a ‘better deal’ but has completely failed to do so.
“I’ve heard the stories of the challenges our paramedics are faced with every day and they are feeling disheartened that they are not being paid what was promised ahead of the election.
“Our paramedics fill a gap in service provision in the bush and provide critical and vital health care, so to hear that we are losing them across the borders for a pay increase is concerning.
“Paramedics are always there to save lives and the failure of the Minns Labor Government to deliver on its election commitment is putting patients across NSW in potential danger.”