Related to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Regional tourism boost in time for school holidays

NSW Nationals Member for Myall Lakes Stephen Bromhead has announced that communities across the Manning and Great Lakes are set for a boost with regional transport services able to carry greater numbers of passengers throughout regional NSW from July 1 as COVID-19 restrictions ease, just in time for the school holidays. Mr Bromhead said health…

More Aussies buying local online

The NSW Nationals have welcomed new research showing that Australians are increasingly supporting local businesses online. Conducted by Venture Insights on behalf of NBN Co, the research found that 49 per cent of respondents have increased their spending on online shopping since social distancing measures came into effect. More than two thirds (70 per cent)…

Vital funding for regional airports

Regional airports will receive a funding injection in another step taken by the Federal Nationals in Government to help Australia’s aviation industry get through the COVID-19 pandemic. Deputy Prime Minister and Nationals Leader Michael McCormack said the Regional Airports Program would assist the owners of regional airports to undertake essential works, promoting aviation safety and…

Registration fees waived for greyhound owners

Greyhound owners across regional NSW will have their registration fees waived for another 12 months. NSW Nationals Member for Tamworth and Minister Responsible for Racing Kevin Anderson said the fee waivers will help greyhound owners who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. “This is great news for our local owners and trainers as we’re…

Accommodation landed for NSW public boarding students

The NSW Nationals in Government have announced a plan to get public boarding school students back into their dormitory facilities after weeks of learning from home. Until recently, boarding schools had been unable to return all of their students to full-time face-to-face learning due to Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) guidelines, which outlined that…

Nats MP helping businesses get back on track

Australians have done a great job of flattening the curve of coronavirus, Federal Nationals Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan says, and now the regions are on the road back. Mr Conaghan is conducting a business survey through local company Jetty Research to identify opportunities where the Federal Nationals in Government can assist business owners to…

COVID-19 stimulus accelerates road works

Upgrades to intersections across the regions have been fast-tracked as part of the NSW Nationals in Government’s economic stimulus package. NSW Nationals Member for Myall Lakes Stephen Bromhead said stimulus funding from the $2.3 billion COVID-19 package announced in March had allowed Transport for NSW to bring forward and deliver projects in his region on…

Michael McCormack

More support for small regional businesses

The Federal Nationals in Government have committed more than $4.7 million to provide small regional businesses affected by COVID-19 with access to free and confidential financial counselling. Deputy Prime Minister and Nationals Leader Michael McCormack said the Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) could support hundreds of regional small businesses. “This announcement is another step forward…

Nats in Government helping create more jobs

The NSW Nationals in Government have approved a $1.65 million upgrade to the Borg timber processing and manufacturing plant in Oberon, which will create 20 new construction jobs and help the Australian-owned and operated company remain competitive in a global industry. NSW Nationals Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said the Borg facility upgrade will allow…