Tourism booming in Dubbo

Tourism in the Parkes electorate is in the spotlight with Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism Kevin Hogan in Dubbo to see why the Central West region is among the top tourist destinations in NSW. Federal Nationals Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said it was fantastic to have Mr Hogan return to the electorate to…

Time called on 3G network

Federal Nationals Member for Riverina Michael McCormack is warning anyone with a 3G device to upgrade before the Telstra and Optus 3G networks are switched off on October 28. “The 3G network switch off has been a long time coming, but in less than two weeks it will have finally occurred,” Mr McCormack said. “If…

Labor brings more pain for live sheep farmers

Nationals Leader, David Littleproud, is reiterating a future Nationals Government will reinstate the live sheep export trade, following Labor’s announcement of disingenuous ‘extra funding’ for the ‘transition’ to phase out the trade. Mr Littleproud said the ‘extra’ $32.7 million shouldn’t be there in the first place. “Farmers don’t want compensation, they want their industry,” Mr…

Labor clutching at straws over its Blayney gold mine decision

Nationals Leader David Littleproud said Labor’s reasons for cancelling the Blayney gold mine are becoming “increasingly odd.” It’s been revealed Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek blocked the $1 billion project after an Indigenous artist used her own paintings to argue the mine should be scrapped. The artist’s submissions opposing the project, made to the NSW Government,…

New health staff accommodation opens in West Wyalong

Nationals Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke, has welcomed the completion of purpose-built accommodation which will host new staff across three units at West Wyalong hospital. The units, part of the Key Worker Accommodation Program, will house health staff while they settle into the West Wyalong community, with fully furnished units providing a crucial home base…

Iron Arena on the way for Taree

Nationals’ MPs, the Hon Dr David Gillespie and Tanya Thompson, have taken part in a sod-turning ceremony to mark the beginning of construction of Taree’s long-planned Iron Arena project. In 2020 Dr Gillespie, the Federal Member for Lyne, and the late Stephen Bromhead, the former State Member for Myall Lakes, announced funding under the Bushfire…

Sam Farraway – statement on NSW Parliament

With the local government elections now complete, the focus shifts to the upcoming federal election. I have decided to step down from NSW Parliament to give my full attention to representing the people of Calare as your Nationals candidate. I will deliver my valedictory speech in the November sitting before formally resigning from the Parliament.…

New home for SES in Tamworth

Tamworth and the North-west’s State Emergency Service (SES) team members and volunteers have a new state-of-the-art command centre. Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson welcomed the official opening of the new centre, which brings the very best of modern coordination and communications capability to Tamworth. “This $6 million dollar facility will be a game changer…