A win for families, farmers, and the regions

Nationals Leader David Littleproud said common sense has prevailed, after confirmation the Senate crossbench will block Labor’s disastrous and ill-thought-out fresh food tax. The Nationals have spent the past year campaigning with farmers and industry against Labor’s biosecurity protection levy, which would have hurt both families and farmers. “This is a win for families, a…

“An Agriculture Minister who couldn’t give a rat’s”

Federal Nationals’ Leader David Littleproud said an unprecedented walk-out by the National Farmers’ Federation and other industry representatives during Agriculture Minister’s Murray Watt post-Budget speech is embarrassing and entirely of Labor’s own making. Representatives from the NFF, Wool Producers Australia, Sheep Producers Australia, Cattle Australia, Australian Livestock Export Council, WA Farmers, AgForce Queensland, and NSW…

“A big spending, big taxing con job” – Hogan

Nationals Member for Page, Kevin Hogan, says the Albanese Labor Budget means everything will continue to cost more for longer. “Prime Minister Albanese promised this would be a ‘true Labor budget’ and we know what this means,” Mr Hogan said. “A big spending, big taxing con job that fails to tackle inflation or meaningfully address…

Labor’s Budget ignores regional Australia again

Federal Nationals Leader David Littleproud said Labor has continued to ignore regional Australia in its Budget, cutting regional infrastructure projects and failing to provide new money for regional programs. “The Prime Minister said when he was elected two years ago, ‘no one would be held back, no one would be left behind,’ but that’s only…