A founder of the Country Party, Sir Earle Page was Australia’s 11th Prime Minister and one of our Party’s standouts. In honour of his legacy, the Sir Earle Page Memorial Trust Lecture was born with proceeds to be awarded as a scholarship to a country student carrying out their tertiary education away from home.
The date for the 2018 Lecture has been set for 6th of June and coincides with the announcement that the 2017 scholarship would be Sydney University nursing student Jorga Attard from Sancrox.
After completing her nursing degree, Jorga intends to undertake a medical degree before returning to the country. She has already elected that all her future placements and practical secondments take place in rural areas.
Presenting this year’s Lecture will be the Hon Dr Brendan Nelson AO, former Federal Leader of the Liberal Party and Member for Bradfield. Hosted by Chairman and Lifetime Member of the Party Christine Ferguson, and Trustees The Hon George Souris, The Hon Don Page, The Hon Duncan Gay, The Hon Jenny Gardiner and Mr Graeme Lavis, the lecture will be held in Sydney’s CBD with a venue to be confirmed.
Join us to celebrate the namesake of the Page electorate and the third longest serving Federal Parliamentarian (41 years, 361 days) for this year’s Sir Earle Page Memorial Trust Lecture on the 6th June 2018.
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