Work has begun on safety improvements to the New England Highway between Sandy and Braefarm Roads at Kootingal thanks to the NSW Nationals in the state government.
NSW Nationals Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said the $8 million project was part of a wider program of $50 million to improve safety on the New England Highway between Uralla and Willow Tree, funded under the NSW Nationals in the state government’s Saving Lives on Country Roads initiative.
“This section of the New England Highway has a poor crash history and is a high-risk area due to a number of highway intersections located in the 100 km/h speed zone,” Mr Anderson said.
“These safety improvements were refined and finalised in consultation with the community. They include closing intersections with the highway at Wilson and Gill streets to separate local traffic from through traffic on the highway, and restricting access to the highway from Laurel, Oak, Pine and Privet streets to left-out only.
“Improvements will also be made to Dorothy Avenue/Betts Lane, Chelmsford Street, Yarrol Road and Sandy Road intersections. The New England Highway will be widened in this stretch and a widened centre line installed to increase the separation of vehicles.
“This project is helping sustain 13 full-time jobs at Transport for NSW, together with providing work for 17 suppliers and contractors.”
A number of roadside trees will be removed to improve visibility at intersections, with guardrails to be installed to further reduce the risk of a vehicle leaving the road.
Work hours are 7am and 6pm Monday to Saturday for nine months, weather permitting. The work will involve the use of machinery which will generate some noise and vibration. Transport for NSW will make every effort to minimise the noise and vibration impact.
Access to properties in the area will be maintained at all times but Laurel, Pine, Oak, Privet, Wilson and Gill streets will be closed at times during construction with residents to be notified in advance.
At times, traffic will be reduced to one lane with a reduced speed limit in place, and motorists are advised to keep to speed limits and follow the direction of traffic controllers and signs.
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