NSW Nationals Member for Upper Hunter Michael Johnsen has announced $73,776 from the NSW Environmental Trust’s Restoration and Rehabilitation grant for Muswellbrook Council to restore the endangered Hunter River Redgum ecological community.
Mr Johnsen said the NSW Environmental Trust grants would help Muswellbrook Council to support ongoing management and stewardship of local environmental assets and services.
“Muswellbrook Council’s rehabilitation of Muscle Creek aims to in restore the Hunter River Redgum endangered ecological community, and involves measures such as the control and eradication of weeds, erosion control on steep banks and the establishment of native vegetation connectivity through native tree plantings,” Mr Johnsen said.
Grants of up to $100,000 were awarded to 35 organisations across NSW, totalling $3.17 million in Restoration and Rehabilitation for 2019-20.
“The annual Environmental Trust’s Restoration and Rehabilitation grants program aims to achieve long-term benefits for the NSW environment through supporting local on-ground projects,” Mr Johnsen said.
“The program seeks to support a range of organisations to improve and protect local ecosystems and environmental assets, and build partnerships and environmental expertise within their communities.
“This is another example of how local environmental management can help stimulate the economy throughout NSW.”
Some of the successful program’s activities included bush regeneration, weed management, revegetation, pest management, fencing, erosion control, formalisation of tracks, community capacity building, signage and educational resources.
The Environmental Trust has funded this program for nearly 30 years. Learn more at https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/funding-and-support/nsw-environmental-trust/grants-available/environmental-restoration-and-rehabilitation.