The NSW Nationals have called for a moratorium and stocktake of renewables projects across the state after concerns the only active renewable energy zone is already completely overblown.
According to council data, the total generation from the Central-West Orana REZ comes in at just over 12.5 gigawatts (GW), which is at least four times the original plan of 3 gigawatts, and double the aspirational target.
NSW Nationals Leader Dugald Saunders said we can’t keep going down the path we are on.
“We have a power problem in NSW and it extends well beyond the threat of blackouts. The Minns Labor Government is reneging on its responsibilities when it comes to renewables,” Mr Saunders said.
“The Central West Orana REZ is already over-subscribed with the number of projects and we can’t get a straight answer as to where things are up to, or where we’re heading.
“When you combine all the renewable projects, add in the impact of transmission lines, along with the additional accommodation and other services, you start to get an inkling of the cumulative impact being felt.
“It’s pushing our regional communities to breaking point and it should be a clear warning that now is the time to stop just randomly allowing projects in.”
According to the EnergyCo website the Central-West Orana REZ will deliver “at least 4.5 gigawatts of transmitted electricity” which is vastly lower than the calculations by Dubbo, Mid-Western and Warrumbungle councils.
“The renewable energy zone having four times more generation than originally planned means more land is being used, more families and communities are being impacted, and there’s a growing frustration,” Mr Saunders said.
“It would be like forcing four times as many people onto the train in the morning for the same result. Everyone is severely cramped and stressed with no control over what is happening.
“Regional residents are currently being put through this, but we’re still no closer to solving the supply issue hanging over our state and the government needs to be honest about where it wants this REZ to finish up.
I’m not suggesting all renewables projects should be scrapped, but we need the government to pause, assess and take stock of exactly where we are in this energy roadmap before we see irreversible damage to regional areas with very little to show for it.”