The Minns Labor Government has confirmed it will axe the only rail service provider in regional NSW, along with more than 100 jobs, to afford a pay increase for Sydney train drivers.
Transport Minister Jo Haylen has revealed her current offer will involve merging Sydney Trains and NSW Trains to add an additional one per cent to the train driver deal.
NSW Nationals Leader Dugald Saunders said the minister has completely lost control of the negotiations, and this will come with a hefty price tag.
“This offer will mean direct job losses, and if I was a regional employee returning home to my family tonight, I would be worried,” Mr Saunders said.
“In her press conference the Transport Minister was very clear that ‘you don’t get something for free’ but what she didn’t tell us is she’s ripping our communities apart to go on a spending spree in the city.
“The lack of leadership shown by the Premier and his Ministers has thrown NSW into a permanent state of industrial chaos, and forcing our residents to pay for their empty promises is not the way to resolve things.”
Shadow Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Dave Layzell said NSW Trains plays an important role in getting people to and from rural areas.
“The regional rail network operates very differently than what happens in the city, which is why this dedicated department exists,” Mr Layzell said.
“NSW Trains is made up of staff with specialised knowledge to look after its services and any cuts will be at the detriment of our communities.
“Labor’s regional transport record already includes disruptions to XPT services, the axing of the regional seniors travel card and the cancellation of major road infrastructure projects. Enough is enough and the Premier needs to stop playing games to appease his union mates.”