The NSW Nationals in the state government are powering ahead with the $4.5 billion upgrade of the Great Western Highway, announcing Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure has been awarded the contract to begin major work at Medlow Bath in the new year.
Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional NSW and Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said the Medlow Bath upgrade will mark the first section of major work on the upgrade between Lithgow and Katoomba.
“The Great Western Highway upgrade is fast becoming a reality – major work is due to start as soon as March on this project which will be life changing for the thousands of people that use the road every day,” Mr Toole said.
“The NSW Nationals in the state government have worked incredibly hard to ensure this transformative project happens- because we know the difference it will make from the Blue Mountains and beyond.”
As part of the upgrade, the 1.2-kilometre section of highway through Medlow Bath will be widened to four lanes with new dedicated right turning lanes.
A signalised intersection will be built at Bellevue Crescent, including a new left turning bay, and a new pedestrian bridge.
Nationals Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said the NSW Government was pushing ahead with the project amidst fears a Chris Minns Labor Government would put it on the chopping block.
“We saw what happened in the Federal Budget. Funding was deferred to the outer years, a clear sign Labor intends to punt the project to Never-Neverland,” Mr Farraway said.
“NSW Labor left us with a $30 billion infrastructure backlog bill and in the last 12 years we’ve worked hard to build legacy infrastructure projects that will make a huge difference to the lives of people across our state now and into the future.”
The NSW Government is also inviting community feedback on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Blackheath to Little Hartley tunnel from next month.
More information on the Great Western Highway upgrade is available on the Transport for NSW website.